Allow me to introduce myself, I’m F1T, a Roblox user since 2007, and I’ve been scripting since 2009.
I’ve recently noticed downtimes in services like Hyra, so I decided to make my own Discord webhook proxy called FitProxy.
It works the same as Hyra or other common webhook proxies, however I have even applied evasive HTTP headers to avoid detection by Discord.
Also, the service only works for game servers to protect privacy of users testing in Studio, so I recommend wrapping calls to your webhook in protected calls (pcalls) or using RunService:IsStudio() to exclude studio from sending requests.
We use forced SSL, and don’t keep any logs of any requests sent, so our proxy is the best choice for you and your team.
I use webhooks a lot for so many unnecessary reasons because I just enjoy opening from discord rather than the website due to convenience(it’s a bad habit and yes i’m lazy). Thanks for making this, I’ll test it out and should provide feedback relatively soon.