WE's Robbery Kit (Open Sourced!)

You should rename the kit to “base” and call the extensions Kits, so you wont get people saying these. but do not touch the title

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Thank you for making this ‘Open Sourced’, I could use this for practicing programming Lua.

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Added Gas Station kit:

Gas Station Kit is a Hold E system. I also clairified some things in the kit that the Base is required.

Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to reply!

I also have a question:

Would this kit be better if I made it a plugin?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Pros for voting yes:

  • Easier to set up
  • It will add the base in automatically
  • Updates the kits and base every time the plugin updates

Cons for voting yes:

  • It will deprecate .Rbxl file and Free Model.
  • .Rbxl file will be removed and no longer obtainable, but free model will
  • Would need to update the plugin to get new features and bug fixes

A plugin will be created when I have time to create it. If you have a suggestion for the plugin, feel free to reply!

v1.1.0 has been released! It adds a whole not of new features, such as AutoSetup, and Attributes. You can also modify an attribute, and it will take effect in the whole system! The kit and the bases are now all in one, as requested before.

Oh, and I don’t know how to create plugins yet. I will instead turn it into a Module when I have time.

WE’s Robbery Kit has a new edition! Say hello to DataStore 2 edition! It has the same functionality as Standard, but the Data saving is a lot better and smoother.

Documentation - DataStore 2:

Get the kit here:

Or, get the .rbxm from GitHub:

Questions? Suggestions? Comments? Reply below!