Western Gun Game

Me And My Friend Are Working On This Game

i making this game for fun.


Nice game i like the guns and the animations


Cool but don’t use free models like the health gui, if you want me to script you a health gui then ask me.

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I’m gonna start by saying it’s not bad. Though here’s where you can improve…

  • Improve the animations, way too jumpy and looks just overall weird
  • Remove or reduce the snow particles. For a start they’re really annoying but y’know. The wild west was in desert lands… Why snow?
  • Change the guns… Modern day shotgun and pistol in a wild west game
  • Try to improve the UI.
  • I recommend using your own builds as it gives your game more to talk about and gives it authenticity.
    Hope this helped.
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*its not western anymore
its not snow but okay
and im not map builder
and i working on guns :sweat_smile:

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Aren’t the guns the Roblox Battle Royale guns?

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i dont know i found this guns on toolbox.


If they had a yellow badge next to the toolbox icon, then they are. It’s fine to use them anyway… if it’s just for fun :grin: