WestWood Guidelines

WMI - Founded by @xMr_Parrot

WMI - Co-Founded by Thecoolkingofpugs

Hello! You are about to play a roleplay game based on an asylum. Roleplay is when you would pretend to do something. But, before you play, there are some rules/guidelines.

Rule 1: Do not be mean to anyone in-game or in the discord or you will get a warning and banned if you continue.

Rule 2: Do not use exploits, if you are caught you could be banned permanently. And blacklisted.

Rule 3: Do not spam in the chat. If you do, you could get kicked or server banned.

Rule 4: Do not bypass the filter, if you do, you could get server banned.

Now that you know the rules, its time for some rank, interview, and training information.

Role Information

Overseer | Their job is to supervise the entire training and rank people with the host at the end.

Host | The host of a session makes sure things run smoothly, things are run legitimately and fairly.

Co- Host | Help overseer sessions and help out the host; they also pick helpers/trainers/interviewers if needed.

Trainer (Training only) | The trainer gives out the information required to pass the training session, they go over general and essential information for the last step of a trainees’ journey.


Patient | Can apply to be a medical staff. Lowest rank.
Max Security Patient | More supervised patient.
Medical Staff | Low ranked staff that provides medical assistance to patients and staff.
Site Security | Low security rank works with ERT’s to secure patients and max patients
Emergency Response Team | Works with Site Security to help contain patients and reports to HA.
Hospital Administration | Low command of the asylum works with CP, W, and DP to command the asylum.
Deputy Warden | Low command works with CP, W, and HA to command the asylum.
Warden | Low command works with CP, HA, and DW to command the asylum.
Chairperson | Assists the high ranks DD+ to command the low ranks and helps the HA, W, and DW to command the asylum.
DD-TD | High commands manages the group.
Engineering Team | A game developer.
The Overseer | Co-Owner of the asylum. (Thecoolkingofpugs)
The Architect | Owner of the asylum.