About me
Hi there! My name is Wes. I specialize in building, but I also know a bit of scripting.
Here are screenshots of some of my work:
Above is a desert-like map I made. I know it is not much, but I am willing to work on more complex builds.

Above is a test obby I made for this portfolio. I specifically scripted these platforms to go transparent and have CanCollide on false in a fading manner.
Above is the script I typed to make the platforms like that.
I know this all seems pretty basic, but I am willing to work on more complicated projects. I made this portfolio to show that I am capable.
I am most likely active daily. Most of the time, I am more active during the weekends.
Prices are negotiable. I will most likely work for free at first and if my work has an impact on the game, I might start charging small prices.
You can contact me here on Discord. My Discord username is: wes_youtuber#4266
Thanks for reading!