We’re updating Heads!

They might make them into dynamic heads and put them onsale for an amount of robux
a super happy fun face dynamic head would sell like crazy,

Them taking old faces offsale is so people buy the dynamic heads
roblox are searching for promotion ideas, this is what they would do.

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Vince Mcmahon Money GIFs | Tenor
roblox after the community spends money because of an update the comunity doesn’t like
(nothing will ever change ever)


Them taking old faces offsale is a cheap move to make us buy the new heads,

There marketing team this year has gone so bad its awful, they got no clue what day or time it is.
We all know how they trashed limiteds and trading in like a few months so now faces,
its getting kind of bad to be honest.


You know… I was indifferent to the move to dynamic heads… but it being forced is kinda gross.
But, even that, I was willing to begrudgingly accept and move on from. Until you updated the Stevie Standard face to have that goofy grin. I had updated my avatar around the older look for the head with the neutral expression. It fit all my accessories perfectly, and then it got changed instead of just making a new head. Now there is no dynamic head on the platform that fits the look I want. You’ve actively limited the creativity of the player, and I don’t see that improving any time soon, as some others have pointed out, headshape is now tied to faces! Which means some of us won’t even be able to use faces we like anymore, because the radically different headshape won’t fit our accessories or overall style.

Before (Old Stevie Standard) (Make it a new head, call it Neddy Neutral for all I care):


Accessories don’t fit it properly, and it doesn’t represent me. None of the new heads do.


This is the great lie at Roblox


I extremely dislike the squishy melty look of these faces when they move. I won’t be using these. STOP FORCING THESE TYPES OF UPDATES. Especially if they’re AVATAR based!!


I’ve been around for 10 years now - all I can do is stare in disbelief and laugh at Roblox’s consistently terrible ideas

maybe they don’t know the time of day anymore because an update to scripts broke the clock they were using :pensive:


Hello there. I was recently looking at this post, and while I don’t usually post on the devforum (I usually just look around and see what’s happening), I feel like I need to reply on this.

I do not believe that Dynamic Heads should be fully promoted as a “should be used” type of product on the website over a previous system which has been on the website since the very early stages of the platform. In it’s current stage, the technology would be ready for a full-stage ‘promotion’ or ‘self-advertisement’ of the feature, except for the fact that there is a lack of quantity in terms of how much dynamic heads a user can currently wear. If the Avatar Team (or whatever team is the main leader in this project) had given more time to have more Dynamic Heads available to users across the site (based on the already existing 2D faces, which Roblox had already been converting over to the new format), then the reason for all the complaining would not exist. But this isn’t the main reason for every one complaining.

The actual significant reason in this is that for some reason, a decision was made that effectively killed off the original 2D faces (which keep in mind, people had no problem with), in turn causing a LOT of outrage from not only the general playerbase, but also many developers that are either new to the platform or long standing users. I get that you’re trying to promote a brand new feature that many teams at Roblox spent many months of R&D on, but as a platform, we expected a lot more quantity rather than just quality. Having only 12 Dynamic Faces available to users (yes I know that more faces are coming soon), and in return killing around 100+ classic faces by putting them as Off Sale is simply ridiculous and in turn is giving a negative stigma towards Dynamic Faces.

To end this post off, I would like to give a statement, more as just guidance to how this update could be improved. Roblox has provided legacy compatibility to many different features over the years (by request also still providing some form of LTS for R6 rigging), why was the general decision to take many original faces that the community has been using for a while done in the first place? This update in general is a WRONG push into the new era of Roblox. This could have been executed better, had more time been given to create more Dynamic Heads for people to use. My final point: Do better, Roblox.


More points to add on from my previous reply on why this is such a bad idea, it’s been said multiple times and it’s gonna be said again, Roblox are so out of touch, it’s almost like people who work at the company have no freedom on what kind of ideas would and wouldn’t work, higher ups are probably people who know nothing about the legacy of Roblox and are just pushing out these pointless things onto the platform to try to somehow make it better?

The community feedback is the most important type of feedback a cooperation so heavily reliant on the community needs, and Unfortunately, that’s just not the case.

They are seriously pricing dynamic heads over 10-20x more robux to just make more sales off them. Spending $5 on roblox nowadays can all be blown in an instant and dynamic heads being this pricey is outrageous. Nobody, especially kids and teenagers wouldn’t even dare spend this much robux on an uglier version of their favourite faces. Which now those favourite faces of there’s and many of the community alike are GONE. No longer purchasable.

I have not used Rthro, not used layered clothing, not even gonna think about touching dynamic heads either


ive used rthro for one second for a troll avatar back when it was first released and never used it again


not my winning smile :sob:

put the classic faces back onsale!!!

also most people probably wont give roblox camera access(myself included)


most people will give camera access because most people use default settings
but it depends on how the feature turns out ig

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Good points but I personally don’t mind the layered clothing but not for any reason Roblox would like to hear -

I wear a ““shirt”” (baby strapped to my hand)) so I can watch it get whipped around with r15 animations lol

layered stuff never really affected me but its simply not my thing


If we could offset hat positions it would ease the transition of the new dynamic heads. It also would also allow for further customization and improved user experience :+1:


i suggest you get rid of this goofy update right now, or I will delete my roblox account


Roblox players dont like this feature and i hope roblox can realize that with the amount of criticism on this post is really unreal. Roblox is pushing and forcing on us a modern head that doesn’t even fit with accessory’s. There also pushing it in a sense by taking old faces offsale, which there own admin team have said they wont ruin classic avatars, well look what they have done.

They have pulled a cheap marketing move because there marketing team is disfunct as you can all realize by now and taken offsale cherished faces the community adores and replaced them with a poor choice of overpriced heads that dont fit with accessory’s.
Its clearly not tested, not thought about and no thinking went through anyone’s brain before releasing this feature to the public.

Forcing these faces on people is unfair, taking the faces offsale and replacing them with awful remakes is not good and especially when the prices of these dynamic heads are poorly overpriced. It feels so cheapskate and unfair its actually a disappointment and as a company you should be ashamed for the trash and suffering you put on some creators on roblox.

Old faces should not have gone offsale and thats why there is so much criticism and I’m not surprised, its clearly the person who did this has been at roblox for less than a week or acts like it anyways.
When the new dynamic heads have no choice and are overpriced ?
No cool beast mode retexture ? New face designs ?, Nah just trash overpriced faces that were previously way better as two dimensional and when they were free.
Roblox is evolving backwards for the sake of some little investor joke stock that sells under IPO.

Also this feels creepy and privacy invading, we dont want our camera access and no one will use this feature it will grow irrelevant like it or not.

These classic faces gained thousands of sales a day and no one will buy dynamic heads, your disfunct team has decided to ignore the community once again and now you will feel the wrath of it, for like the fourth time this year because the holding period well,lets not get onto how stupid that was.


I understand the goal of allowing users to express themselves more fully, I have some concerns about how this update might affect the games I create on the platform. As a developer, maintaining a consistent and immersive experience is crucial for the success of my games.

I worry that introducing facial animations might disrupt the atmosphere and theme of some of my games. For instance, in a serious adventure game, having avatars mirror facial expressions through a camera might break the immersion and take away from the intended experience.

Is there any possibility of allowing developers to have more control over whether or not facial animations are enabled in their games? A toggle feature that would let us choose whether avatars should mirror facial expressions or stick to emotes could be very beneficial for game creators like myself.

Additionally, I believe it would be helpful to have more documentation and guidelines on how to adapt existing games to work seamlessly with the facial animation update. This way, developers can ensure that the animations enhance the gameplay rather than detract from it.

I want to emphasize that I appreciate the effort to improve the platform and offer more expressive options to users. I believe that, with some adjustments and flexibility, this update can benefit both players and developers alike.

Thank you for considering my feedback. I am committed to making Roblox an enjoyable and captivating experience for its users and am open to working together to achieve this goal.



Imagine how all the roblox players feel when they cant spend there robux on good faces now.

Ouch, roblox really did this, and many people cant afford a dynamic head or even want one.

Honestly limited faces as dynamic heads would be cool but other than that nah.


Not my thing either and I’m glad people are all agreeing with each-over over the horrible decisions the corporation has made over the years. I don’t hate layered clothing either but I can’t help but dislike it a bit when it’s just sad to see that nobody is even using it, even after Roblox’s attempt on fully integrating into the avatar system and regularly improving it,

Same thing goes with Rthro where it’s just a complete flop, biggest failure ever you could even say. I don’t remember the last time I saw someone properly using Rthro to its full potential, it carries no imaginative thing about it, it’s quite the opposite


Welcome to Roblox, where people get mad over virtual avatar accessories that they didn’t buy yet and are put offsale!

To clear up things about camera privacy, I am here to assure you it is all processed on the client and no telementary is sent. You can test it yourself with a program like Wireshark or viewing your router’s incoming and outgoing requests and ports used.

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