WHAT about this game, and how could i improve it?

This is my first fame ever, and it has many features:
-cash over time
-different weapon types
-almost incredible chatting system with emotes, sounds and effects
-smart combat enemy ai
-self made pixel gore engine!

Please try it out and tell me, what annoys you, what you dont like, and whai i can improve.
Positive feedback is also really appreciated

Thanks so much for supporting me!
I am really grateful for anyone helping me!


You should get some people to work on it, they can help alot.

The game has promise. The only friend I had to play with was an alt (and a rather disloyal one at that), but from what I could see, the AI combat was up to the standards of existing PvE games, so it’s on the right track. That being said, I found a few issues that should be addressed:

  • The daily gift can be opened by one player unlimited times. This may not be a bug, though since it’s called “daily,” I assumed it was.
  • Other players can’t open the daily gift if one player is currently opening it. Maybe make the opening animation client side to prevent players from hogging the gift.
  • The weapons try to unequip themselves while you’re in the lobby, though you can easily attack and kill people within the window that they’re equipped. The system also sometimes breaks altogether and lets you hold them normally without them trying to unequip. You should probably wait until the player enters a PvP/PvE zone before putting the weapons in their backpack.
  • The “not done” tunnel is easy to get into, either by aiming your gun down in first person or using the laptop glitch (more on that below). You should add an invisible wall that covers the entire doorway since the sign is easy to bypass.
  • On the screen that appears when you press escape, the music is sometimes doubled.
  • You can trick the game into thinking you’re typing without actually having the chat bar active if you press / and esc in quick enough succession. This lets you keep holding the laptop indefinitely while having full control of your character.
  • If you press against a wall and start typing, the laptop makes you get slightly stuck in the wall. Using the above glitch and a few camera tricks, you can glitch through walls and bypass the keycard requirement for the crop room. Making the laptop uncollidable would most likely fix this problem.
  • In the crop room, there’s a crack in the wall that you can slip through to get outside the lobby.
  • Having a screen outside the lobby that shows the server console may not be the best for security. If you want to allow trusted people to see the server console, you should make it a GUI that only they can see.
  • You can attack and kill the zombies in the display cases by slashing with the sword through the glass.
  • After glitching into the zombie display cases, I realized that the zombies on display are alive and well and can kill you with their arms. In the case that someone gets in here accidentally, it may be a good idea to remove their attack scripts.
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wow! so much!! woah! THANKS SO MUCH!
i will try to fix most of the things!