What are animations priority?

I always have a hard time understanding these things in animations. I wanna ask,

  1. What are they and what’s their use?
  2. What are the priorities of our default animations in a game? For example, what the priorities are for our idle, walking, swim and other animations?
  3. How can I always make sure I used the correct priorities when creating animations?

Thanks in advance.

  1. Animations Priorities are used for developers if they want players to do a certain default animation first, last, in the middle, or your choice!
  2. To answer that question please look at this image below:

    This can be found here: AnimationPriority
  3. I don’t really know how to answer that but I think someone can describe this for me.

I hope that helped you! :smiley:


1- They’re used prioritize animations to what should be played, to give an example: I have 2 examples first one is less priority and second is high priority. While first animation is playing if I play second animation, first animation will stop and second animation will play.

2- Those have different priorities which you can check from here. AnimationPriority | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

3- It really depends on context and status, example giving: If you like to do a slash animation for a sword tool then you must set it to Action priority, if you would like to re-make the default Idle animation then Idle priority must be used.

I can’t understand number 2, it didn’t explain well the priorities but I assume

  1. Idle - Core
  2. Walking - Movement

Does the Core priority used a lot?

It’s used by default animations only as I know. Mostly others would be used.

If you mean by our default animations have the highest priorities?

No lowest actually, if you look at the table at developer.roblox.com you’ll see.