What are coroutine's, how do they work?

Hello! I’m trying to learn scripting! I head of this thing cald coroutine’s and I wonder how I can use it, what for, and it broken down so I can understand it!

Api Page: coroutine
Devforum Page: Coroutines - When and how to use them

You really should have looked this topic up before making a thread about it. :slight_smile:


Wait I’m a little confused, the Devforum Post Is hard to understand.

this code in specific:

local Write = function(Message)

local Thread = coroutine.create(Write);
print(Thread); --// thread: <hexadeciamal memory adress>
coroutine.resume(Thread, "Hello, World!") --// Hello, World!
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I have also linked the api page if you are having touble on that too.
If you have ever coded in java/js you might know thread.sleep(miliseconds).
Its kinda like that.

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Let me explain the code to you

local Write = function(Message) -- This is just a normal function

local Thread = coroutine.create(Write); --Creates a new thread
print(Thread); --// thread: <hexadeciamal memory adress>
coroutine.resume(Thread, "Hello, World!") --// Hello, World! -- Resumes or runs the thread

Coroutines can be useful if you wanted to pause/resume a function when needed as well as to run two functions or pieces of code at the same time

(Sorry if the formatting is bad, I’m on phone)


Yes, exactly. It is very useful for minigame scripts if you need to wait on something before continuing the script.