What are good resources to learn Roblox coding

I really want to learn Roblox coding and I have seen many great tutorials and resources on the DevForum and have been wondering how everyone gets their scripting skills. Do you apply for special online tutorials to help you learn, if so where? Do you watch YouTube tutorials on Roblox scripting?

What are some amazing resources to help me understand coding better from beginner to advanced?

How do you know where to place LocalScripts and Scripts at certian times?

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I’m not a very good scripter, but I’d say that Learn Roblox and https://education.roblox.com/en-us/resources are pretty good

Yes all good, I have seen these resources before. I just wish they had like a tutorial structured well.


  • Client-Model
  • LocalScripts
  • Scripts
  • Remotes

Instead of:

  • Debounce when and why
  • Functions
  • Animations

I just feel lost whenever I try Learn Roblox although it does tell you everything it’s just not ordered the way I can comprehend it all.

I can’t say what resources are good to learn, in my case I learned to program after trial and error for 3 years while watching tutorials
(warning: some are in Spanish because, well, I speak Spanish and it’s hard for me to translate things)

bindable event
module script
tween Service
for i,v in pairs
camera manipulation

note: something I want to do are tutorials in Spanish (because if you count how many there are not many) for Spanish-speaking developers who are just starting out in roblox

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Hey thanks for replying. These seems like good tutorials, however, I cannot understand Spanish…

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and I can’t speak English well, I still managed to translate what they said

All good man. It’s good you make these tutorials to help other out :+1:

I need to learn Spanish

Im spanish, im adding this to my google keep notes, thanks!