What are my gems missing?

I’m making an RPG inspired Roblox Game, there’s a base thing that you MUST HAVE in order to actually complete the game, equip gear and more. I can’t really find out what’s missing, take a look:

It’s just glass made with Roblox’s provided use of materials and base parts.


Perhaps make them slightly transparent?

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Mate, let’s breakdown the definition of what a gem is.
Gem : A precious or sometimes semiprecious stone cut and polished for ornament.

A gem is lustrous and has a high reflective index of scattering beams of light aka refraction. In the three images that youve shown above, the gems dont really look lustrous or as if they are well shiny to refract or reflect any beam of light. They simply look like a low poly brick which has been reshaped. I recommend you to change the material to Neon and play around with the attributes of the gem. Disabling the shadow will also be a good idea. Good luck from my side, mate!


Alright, I’ll try that. Thanks.

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Its only two gems… why not five gems! Add variation!!! Make some diamond-shaped!!! Rubies! Diamonds! Saphire! You shall have them all!!! :sparkles:

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The two gems are just 1, disabled and enabled during fights. Sounds like a good idea but should each give different attributes or increased attributes?

suuuuureeee why not. . are you giving them based on the elements/ color?. . o

Yeah, I want the player to actually choose from different abilities, elements and whatnot.

try adding shiny particle effects, that’ll make them look more valuable

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Emerald Green Sparkling Gem GIF | GIFDB.com
Brilliant Emerald Green Gem Shine Animation by DaniDeDestroyer (me!)
(If you need gem ideas)

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