What are scary or unsettling things to see in a maze?

I’m making a self-generating underground style maze, and I want to add props to be generated in the hallway, so there’s more substance than just wandering around and nothing happens.

I am trying to keep the maze in a style of the Labyrinth (Labyrinth - Wikipedia).

What would be spooky or at least unsettling to see if you were wandering in a dark, underground maze?

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Something like the Greivers from The Maze Runner.

(Any images of them are going to be from the Movies, which are a bit ways off of how they are described in the books. But still unsettling lol. You could draw some inspiration from them! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:)

Edit: @JIMDAMAN555 I didn’t notice the post say PROPS,

but I would say some “HELP” and “This is madness” and things like that scratched and painted on the walls and floor (Painted Red, of course. :smiling_imp::sweat_smile:)

I suggest adding flashing lights and dense dark fog in the hallway; creepy sounds at the distance and a few statues (optional). It’s possible that it can make the player paranoid through the game.

I’m not good at scaring people haha!

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More maze.

Imagine spending ages in a maze, to turn a corner and see the tops of the endless labyrinth ahead, realising you are only 1% there. Or mayhaps, it is just an illusion to unsettle you…

Statues is a solid idea, thank you. There will already be limited vision, so the player will not be able to see much in front of them. Do you have any ideas for creepy sounds?

Thank you for your feedback.

The maze is going to be underground and very dark, so you have no idea where you are in the maze. Since the maze is constantly changing as well, you cannot memorize or retrace your steps either. You will be stuck wandering and avoiding any monsters while searching for an exit.

I’m glad you liked my idea! In my opinion, Minecraft has some creepy cave sounds that plays randomly. Also, atmospheric effects like a light wind sound.