What are some funny or silly game ideas?

I have been working on a few projects always thinking I can build it like Jailbreak or Adopt Me… I then noticed obviously that I couldn’t do it without a team and its a massive game…

I wanted to create 1 game by myself and wanted to keep it small and easily manageable. I find silly games funny and entertaining like Slap Battles, however, I don’t really have any ideas on what I should create.

Could I have some suggestions from you guys?

A game dedicated to playing whack-a-mole.


I suggest a bouncy ball shooting game.
With guns like snipers, machine guns, shotguns… Generally easier and more mobile friendly compared to FPS games.
The point is, the bullets does no damage but knockbacks and builds up a bar like in Super Smash Bros depending on bullet type, the higher the bar is the further the guy will be knocked back, add a bit of ragdoll. There could be loads of game modes


ey this is good, i’ll try this one out

Make a Spaceship that flies on Balloons

It be funny l if it was real :balloon: :rocket:


Lol this seems an interesting idea and it was simple so here it is: (WIP)


throw objects at others simulator

concept: you can pick up random items all across the map and throw them at people, damaging them and maybe knockback too and person with the most kills/hits wins

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a parkour or obby game, except all the controls are the opposite. (The W Key goes backward instead of forward. The A key goes right instead of left. Same scenario for all the others )


This idea would be something I’d make for my friends to trick them and annoy them when playing :laughing:


Would be good for VR players but a lot less interesting for PC or mobile players.

Sounds great! I am going to start working on a throwable object and I will post it later when I’ve finished :+1:

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Just tried making your idea of a throwing system game. I tried making a throwable object from scratch but I was having trouble so I used one from the Toolbox that I am going to improve:

Thanks for the idea :+1:

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No problem and also another suggestion, if there is like a table, you hold it over your head and just yeet it

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