Lately the main group place in my genre has been experiencing frequent server crashes that happen every hour or two, sometimes less. At first it was believed that the issue was a memory leak causing the server to reach its max memory capacity (4GB?), but I have since discovered that the servers are crashing with varying amounts of memory usage that are all less than 4GB. Would anyone be able to post some issues I may be able to look for in my game that may be causing the crashes?
If anyone is wondering, the link for my game can be found here: Realms of The Ring - Roblox
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This seems like more of a per case scenario, but see if you have anything that could clog up over time - if it’s happening at different intervals, this could very well be the case. Going back and giving your code a good read-over is probably your best bet.
Some questions to ask yourself:
- Is everyone crashing, or just me? This will tell you whether the issue is on the client or server’s end.
- What are the basic causes of crashes? Am I doing them anywhere in my game? (this one is a little redundent since you’re asking us here, but if you can find a page about it online, it could very well help, since a lot of these issues can carry from language to language).
- Could I organize my code better? Reorganizing your code could give you a better lead on what the issue is.
Nonetheless, if all else fails, bring each bit of your code into a seperate game with changed values to make things occur faster - and see if you can isolate what causes the crash.
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