What are some popular main menu UIs layouts?


Hello fellow developers,

I am currently searching main menu UI layouts for my game and their popularity within Roblox. During my searches on different popular games and games I liked, I came up with some questions. What types of main menu layouts are the most popular within Roblox? Which layout is the best for a combat game or a sport game?

I’ve searched on the dev forum but didn’t really got the answers I expected. So that’s why I’m directly asking you. To see if you have some ideas or some tips on the questions I mentioned above.

Thank you for your time and contribution!


Personally, I tend to assimilate sleek, side menus to combat, sports, active types of games, while centered ones convey more of a balanced, calm structure (for example roleplay games).

Although that’s just when it comes to positioning, but to make a UI unique while also fitting to your game, you also have to consider the graphics of it and the contents.
Ask yourself some of these questions, is your main menu going to be the first thing you see when you join? (If so, add play, shop, continue, etc. buttons), or is it going to pop up on the screen when you pause the round? Is there a certain currency, timer, gadget, score, any type of useful info players should see at all times, that should be added into the layout?

I wouldn’t say there’s a layout set in stone for any kind of game, but here are some references you can get inspiration from for your own projects, that I feel could fit into a combat/sports experience:

And a classic for the sports example:



Thank you for that really helpful answer!

I like the references you gave and especially the Arena Slayer one, I might use it for my game. I still have one question though, is taking references from other roblox games main menu considered as plagiarism?

For instance, if I wanted to use Boxing League’s main menu as reference for a boxing game, would it be considered as plagiarism?

Thanks again for that helpful answer and for your time and contribution!


Feel free to take inspiration! Plagiarism is a more complicated situation, but it’s hard to come across when you’re making everything from scratch. For example, If I were to play 2 popular games (from the same genre) that have the exact same layout, colors, and icons (maybe with a few tweaks), I’d safely assume one copied the other, but instead, if I were to play both popular games and they have the same layout/formula but very noticeable differences such as fonts, colors, icons, and maybe even a few changes in the main layout, I’d understand that it’s just the main formula they’re following, adding their own twist to it.

Some layouts just work better for certain types of games and it makes sense that most Devs would follow them, if they were just to scatter things around it would probably be messy and not really user-friendly, think of it as a guide sketch.

For example, look at these 3 UIs from different simulator games on Roblox:


Even though you can clearly notice a pattern, you can tell that each one is still unique on its own, with their own color schemes and distinctive gadgets and assets helpful for gameplay, and that’s exactly what you want to achieve. Let your ideas flow, and create the best UI tailored to your game!


Thank you a lot for those helpful replies!


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