What are some preferred keys?

Hello, I’m new to posting a new topic so let me know if I’m in the wrong category.
I’m making a game that has ‘magic’. I would like to know what keys are generally used or have worked for you.
Right now I am using placeholders which are ‘E’, ‘R’, ‘F’, and ‘T’. Teleportation/Flight moves use ‘Z’.
I have seen a game similar to mine using ‘Z’, ‘X’, ‘C’, and ‘V’.
Suggestions are appreciated!

Just keep accessibility in mind. Most (Like Me) don’t have external mouse and instead use the built in Touchpad that comes with Laptops. Having a action that requires both Left and Right Click (Without remappable controls or alternatives) may be inaccessible to those players.

Also you probably might want to move Z.

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I would recommend sticking to E, F, T, and keys around the WASD area, since this is most likely where the players keyboard hand will be. I normally shy away from keys like Z, X, or anything towards the bottom right of the keyboard( especially if you are making a gun or a spell, that needs to be within reach for making quick responses in game ).

Always choose keys that are quickly accessible, and are not a pain to stretch to.