What are some tricks/techniques I can use to make my game look this good?

I found this screenshot of a super good-looking game from 2014. How do you think they made it look this good? (Bonus question: what game is this lol)

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Are you talking about the lighting or the building?


Both, but especially the lighting. It’s gorgeous.

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The lighting looks fairly basic to me. It seems like they are using the sun or a few slight yellow lights.

As for the building, I think it looks good due to the sharp contrast between the white and grey along with the wide open space.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I’m just not satisfied with your explanation. There seem to be a lot of different hues to the lighting, with proper sun shadows and everything (GlobalShadows turned on). Most of the light here is definitely not coming from the sun, and there are more than a few lights judging by how detailed the lighting on surfaces appears in the screenshot.

The gradients the light creates are very pleasant to look at, and the models are very detailed. I just need to know how they did it!

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i’m convinced you’re trolling but can you point out specific parts of the image that are, as you say… “pleasant to look at”

more lights ≠ more detail

there really isn’t that much detail in the models as some are just using smooth surfaces.

at least to modern standards but if you’re a time traveller lmk

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Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 21.22.42
Notice how the vase has orange, white, and blueish hues because of the scene lighting (white presumably being from the sunlight coming through the windows). This is also noticeable on the table and books, just to a lesser extent.

The furniture, such as this couch, looks quite detailed. There are also tons of little details on the walls and other parts of the building.

The purpose of this post was to figure out what techniques were being used here, so myself and other developers could learn how to make better-looking buildings with nicer lighting.

Huh? I only posted this because I wanted to learn more about building techniques on ROBLOX, using this image as an example of the kind of thing I want to learn how to acheive. Your personal biases or whatever do not mean someone else is “trolling”.

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Use lights (pointlights,surface,etc.), this already happens naturally on the platform (mostly with Future lighting). Example I got from the toolbox:

It’s quite blocky imo, there are much more detailed models out there.

Yes, use parts/meshes to add details to walls. Pillars, door frames, etc. There really isn’t any “technique” to this, just architecture.

If you need anything else feel free to reply.
I get this might be a genuine question if you don’t have much experience making scenes in Roblox Studio, but otherwise all these questions are found out pretty early into building scenes.

That’s an old Roblox feature called outlines.

If you want the edges of parts to appear more jagged, you may want to lower your graphics settings.


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They use compatibility lighting, and a mix of Roblox meshes, and builds, such as the vase being the “Ramen Bowl” x2 like how “Work At A Pizza Place” also uses them for lights as they had no means of uploading meshes to the website, so anyone who had to make a game back then had to utilize the hats created by Roblox.

Outlines can be replicated with the “SelectionBox” object.

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