Many games have music or ambience to give the game some audial life, but are there any other ways to do this? Music is usually not a good option unless you are making your own and finding fitting ambience for your game can be hard unless it takes place in something like a city, forest, etc.
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sound effects, makes the game more alive, everything silent gives some dead enviroment vibes
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Custom walking soundz, Amblence, take inspiration from other games, you know most games really ONLY have music at the start and end, and usually when something happens too, piggy, cheese escape, DOOR, Apeirophobia, Build a boat for treasure and more. Best bet, white noise, and also if you didnt know.
go to your game, explorer, soundservice, and properties and change the reverb type, different feel to it when u use that. Reccomend “Cave”
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