What are tags used for?

You are likely to find these things in game descriptions:

What are these used for, their importance?


Whenever you search for a game using the search function, it will use both the title and the description to determine what pops up.

If a tag matches the word searched, then the game with the tag will pop up.

People can abuse this feature by spamming the same, or certain words.


So basically when someone searches something up, and if the tag matches the word they searched, that game will pop up.


Oh, interesting… Thank you guys for the answer…


I have put tags in the description of my game but if i search a word that matches the tag of my game it doesnt pop up.I dont think tags work properly as they should do

Search results must surely depend on multiple different factors. Other games might have the same tag, but the search system is lacking a lot of design anyways.

Also, don’t forget you bumped the post…

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