What are the alternatives for BodyVelocity and BodyAngularVelocity

Greetings! Roblox just today decided to kill off major components of BetterJeep. I am trying to make everything up-to-date again, and I am doing very good currently.

Now my question is what are the newer alternatives for BodyVelocity and BodyAngularVelocity?

Thanks in advance!

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The newer alternative for BodyAngularVelocity is AngularVelocity. As far as I’m aware there isn’t a Constraint that acts exactly like a BodyVelocity. VectorForce is maybe closest acting more like BodyForce. You might need to reconsider your approach depending on what you need moving at a constant velocity. You can directly set the CFrame if the parts are anchored or otherwise you might need to use VectorForce, setting its properties so that it applies force in the direction of the desired velocity.


Linear velocity boii


Oh yeah! Didn’t see that one listed on the developer pages! Thanks!

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New PGS Body Movers that don’t work worth a heck.

Cough Cough broken LinearVelocity Cough

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don’t work with bodyVelocity scripts?