What are the best places to find assets for designing?

Hi everyone, I was wondering what the best places are to find designer assets! When I say designer assets I mean, ties, skirt outlines, polo outlines, textures, and other stuff like that. I’ve looked at many designing Discord servers but most of them didn’t have many assets. If you have any places on where to find them, please tell me!

Thanks for reading :grinning:


You make your own assets I think.


I make my own clothes, but I’m talking about outlines and stuff. Do you know those shading templates you can get online? That’s what I’m talking about, stuff like that.


Oh I suggest google or any web browser of you choice


I personally DO NOT recommend doing this. Do not use other’s designs to create your own. Create your own shading templates, create your own line-art, create your own accessories, shoes etc.

If you plan on reselling anything DO NOT sell other’s designs or line-art. Designers don’t give away their templates anymore as they did years ago- and if SOMEONE is giving it away, it’s probably stolen. There are many issues within the designing community and this is one of them. People trace other’s line-art, give it to others, or make then buy it, for them only to get caught online and hated by the community. All they have to say is “I got it from someone else”.

I draw all of my templates, I ask my friends for advice such as “what would you add, what could I do better on, etc.” Then take their ideas and fit them into my designs.

If you also have a different style then what template you are using to put ON TOP of your “art” then it looks messy, and not how it would normally look.
Designing takes time, effort, and originality.

You WILL get scammed, you WILL get bashed online and YOU WILL regret it. Learn to design yourself or from tutorials/speed designs. You are not a designer/artist if you can’t make it yourself.
What you call an “asset” is someone else’s hard work being used for your own benefit. Please don’t go taking or “BUYING” other’s “assets”.

If you need designing tips, advice or anything, I’m here! I’ve been designing for 7 years and I am very advanced :white_heart:


So I sometimes use assets from different discord servers, like Sam’s designing server, avaeta’s server and I have a few others, you can DM me if you want to know some more, but not all the time because like @BluVelv said, it doesn’t make your outfit as unique. I generally only use assets when I am struggling with some specific part on my outfit. (Hope this helped!)


heyheyy I do agree with blu above but if your starting out I’d rec joining discord servers! They provide tons of help with feedback,showcases etc. I’d also just rec watching tons of tutorials on yt as they provide inspiration also YouTubers usually provide servers so look at their descriptions under their vids! If you do decide to use assets and things from their server always credit them! It’s important 4 ppl to get the recognition they deserve. Anyways work hard and you’ll def succeed! <3