Hey! I was watching this YouTube video by Model Creator, which showcased his top 9 plugins that he uses. This got me to think that other people could have diffrent plugins that they use, which could help me out. So, the question remains, what plugins do you think are the best to help my builds look nice? Thanks!
It’s all about preference, you need to get used to how the plugin feels and how well it performs.
The plugins I use are:
Which means that those plugins is what I recommend.
I have 5 out of the total plugins you shown in my hotbar. I’ll definitely check out the rest of them though! Thanks for replying!
I usually use these plugins because it’s really handy when it comes to building:
- Archimedes 2
- Gap Fill
- Resize Align
- Mirror Reflect.
- ThreeD Text Maker
- RopeMaker
- Brush tool
Thanks, I have a few of the ones you stated, but the others sound interesting, so I’m going to go check them out!
3D Text Maker plugin is really good for making text. I use it and would recommend.
Brush tool for landscaping and Part to Terrain.
Archimedes 2
Resize Align
F3X (For easier work with meshes)
Brush tool
While using a 3D text plugin is nice, it can be pretty bland when everyone’s using the same plugin. I’d recommend looking around for some free to use 3D fontpacks, or even making your own to give your game more spunk.
Good luck on your endeavors!
I like to use Model Resizer, F3X, Gapfill, Rain Plugin you can adjust the settings and set the time with how much falls how much per second as well as not raining when you’re in cover with a roof over you. Resize Align and mirror also comes in handy along with curve plugin.
I use Model Resize, Gapfill, F3X, Archimedes 2, Resize Align, 3D Text Maker, Mirror Reflect. Gapfill is a must if you are someone who likes to detail a lot.
As most have said, I use Resize and gapfill for builds.
F3X it is good for measurements and selecting parts that are in a group.