This is written on the roblox documentation, which mentions how ‘None’ should be avoided for interactive content.
Thing with that is, it cuts out abruptly and leaves out a lot of emtpy space on the sides. This looks rather awkward.
Whereas with ScreenInsets set to none it nicely tucks the buttons in the corner where they should be.
Then again, the fat roblox top bar still sits floating half in the middle of the screen…
On devices that aren’t long Samsungs or so, the UI fits either way. Though ‘CoreUISafeInsets’ and ‘DeviceSafeInsets / IgnoreGuiInset’ still differ in UI icon size.
As for that, is there a reason not to ignore the inset? Especially after they added 8 pixels to the top bar, causing the UI to be squashed… who knows another change will change this again.