What are the characteristics of an accurate 2007-2009 ROBLOX game? (Part 2)

Hello There!

So this is going to be the part 2 of this DevForum post posted a long time ago, like 2 months I guess? Anyway, that post did gave me an idea on what Old Roblox (Specifically the year 2007-2009 (Maybe even 2010)) would be like.

Thanks to @SubtotalAnt8185 for some information about that said time year, as I didn’t actually knew certain things about Old Roblox, for example, did you know that part sizes are actually 2,1.4,4 and not 2,1,4? Yeah, pretty nuts ain’t it? But basically, in all seriousness, I do have an understanding on Old Roblox, although I am still curious on some aspects of it.

So the questions I have

  1. What time era is inside of this game?
    I found a game called Nostalgia Years 2.5 made my Sio_Fi which to me, perfectly represents Old Roblox, so I decided to use that game for reference, the issue is that I don’t know what time period is placed, I assume it will be placed in the year 2007, but if you do know the actual time era this game tries to replicate, tell me please.

  2. What are Grids, and what are the sizes of the grids?
    In the first DevForum post about this, SubtotalAnt told me that there where only 3 types of grids, 1-Stud Grids, 1/5 Grid, and absolutely no grid at all.

  3. Hole Instance
    I’ve heard about Hole Instance at one point and decided to check it out, I didn’t actually manage to find any information regarding about it, only being a deprecated surface (I think?). Anyway;

  4. What year did these features came out?
    I am wondering what these features came out, I am trying to find specific features that came out around the time period I am trying to replicate, that being 2007-2009. The features in question are:
    The Green Dot attached to the part
    The inability to change direction nor force when jumping(Yes, I know, not a feature but I’ve heard it from a DevForum post wanting to make a 2006 Game, so I am wondering it if stayed put between the time periods I wanted.)
    A 45 Degree(?) angle turn when turning your camera
    Was the ability to have your avatar hold gears added around those time periods?

  5. Building
    Already talked about Hole Instance and Grid size, although I personally don’t know what an “Advance Dagger” is, and although briefly (I guess), learned about symmetric and custom parts and how they are 1,1,1 size, including Weld/Glue but I am not focusing on those, for right now, I don’t understand the difference about symmetric and custom parts alone.


my first time chatting but, for question one…
I would say its emulated around the year of 2009
Your answer for question 4 for could be

  • The green dot was added in 2007(?)
  • Maybe due to the messy physics engine back at the time
  • I can’t really look this on up, but probably due to the database back then too
  • I would narrow this to about early 2007 (January-March)
    If you want reason for answer 2 and 3, if you don’t know ROBLOX used to use the OGRE engine before early 2014 (I still don’t know how to write this correctly)

Thanks for the information man!


Sorry for late reply but,
for Question 3, The hole instance was a basically a object where it would display a hole on a surface of a part, i would say it was silently added around 2008, no one can really know for sure.
It was removed in Late 2015 because no one really saw the point of it anymore


What did the hole look like exactly? A low-quality hole or just a circle on it?

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I don’t want to download much on my home PC, but i can give a little description since i tinkered with old ROBLOX clients, so the Hole was slightly thick and was a low poly circle; The hole instance was 3D.
To replicate this, make a cylinder part and make sure it faces up-right, then make sure it’s not too high, set Color to Color3.new(0/255,0/255,0/255), and stick it to a part

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This topic should get a bump since no is commenting


Yeah, but how do I bump it exactly?

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From https://devforum.roblox.com/t/dont-bump-topics-when-replies-are-edited/1177365:
I believe you have to update the topic or some other method to bump the post, then it will bring to topic to the top of the section; thus making it more likely to be seen.

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