We need an elaborate list of the default keybinds for the game client
For example;
- “~” and “`” key toggles the backpack ui
- O and I key Zooms the camera in and out
these aren’t included in that that image therefore I don’t have any official reference to all of the Default Game Client Keybinds to remove existing ones and make sure that whatever key I choose doesn’t override the default ones.
Current Known Keybinds
jumpAction table: 0x55335bbdeb31d3be
inputTypes table: 0xae502927194389f6
1 Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterJump
stackOrder 11
priorityLevel 2000
RootCamGamepadPan table: 0x7546168720794cae
inputTypes table: 0x4621503c11c8e6e6
1 Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2
stackOrder 3
priorityLevel 2000
FreecamToggle table: 0x38df8c6118a44bce
inputTypes table: 0x66b5df186f92b106
1 Enum.KeyCode.P
stackOrder 1
priorityLevel 1000
RootGamepadZoomIn table: 0xb3fbc4eb7784a97e
inputTypes table: 0x6fc5249d99b6d7b6
1 Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight
stackOrder 6
priorityLevel 2000
EmotesMenuToggleAction table: 0x8dbb7bf94554161e
inputTypes table: 0x9d9d754e76ebb356
1 Enum.KeyCode.Period
stackOrder 2
priorityLevel 2000
RootGamepadZoomOut table: 0xe4370bddd2e1e2ee
inputTypes table: 0x871dda74a5530426
1 Enum.KeyCode.DPadLeft
stackOrder 5
priorityLevel 2000
moveForwardAction table: 0xd903b113041a7f3e
inputTypes table: 0xf0e633ea0a35e476
1 Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterForward
stackOrder 7
priorityLevel 2000
RootCamGamepadZoom table: 0x4a93ce4f3dc1145e
inputTypes table: 0xbf51f986c3707e96
1 Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR3
stackOrder 4
priorityLevel 2000
moveLeftAction table: 0xf3634098ae7e429e
inputTypes table: 0x1e3d6ec15f8d2cd6
1 Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterLeft
stackOrder 9
priorityLevel 2000
moveBackwardAction table: 0x43af82268a1b7c0e
inputTypes table: 0x3780232ffce99b46
1 Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterBackward
stackOrder 8
priorityLevel 2000
moveRightAction table: 0x2ce87f0a4d54972e
inputTypes table: 0x740d6dd33b267266
1 Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterRight
stackOrder 10
priorityLevel 2000