What are the default Xbox controls?

I am new to this, what are the default controls for walking, camera movement, chatting, opening the menu, switching gears and jumping?

I’m guessing that it’s:
Walking - Left stick (like iOS)
Camera - Right stick
Chatting - Back? and then a keyboard appears on-screen
Menu - start
Switching gears - R2/L2? or maybe the square pad
Jumping - A

please correct me, so I know what’s already taken.

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Backpack nav isn’t live yet but it was on gametest2, I think it uses LB/RB

Right trigger activates a gear like a rocket or sword, that’s active.

A is jumping but also selects stuff instead, while in selection mode.

Selection mode toggle is select/back/whatever-that-icon-even-is
(You can force out of selection mode by doing game.GuiService.SelectedObject = nil)

Edit: I forgot about right stick scroll + click!

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Some of this is not live yet

Bumpers - Select tools in the backpack, switch tabs in the menu
A - Jump, Activate button
B - Back in the menu
Y - Reset in the menu
X - Leave game from the menu
Start - Open/Close menu
Select - Enter/Exit gui navigation mode
Left Stick - Move character, navigate guis
D-Pad - Navigate guis
Right Stick - Move camera, scroll
Right Stick Snap - First person toggle
Right Trigger - Use tool

Chat is accessed through the start menu.

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Right Trigger actually fires regular mouse click events, with the mouse being the little circle thing.

please correct me, so I know what’s already taken. [/quote]

Most of the default controls are not taken taken. I believe only the Xbox, start and select buttons are unavailable for developer use, although I may be wrong about select.

I was told by JParty that chat has to be removed for Xbox?

The Menu(back), Start, and Xbox buttons are all reserved for the ROBLOX client. Backpack controls unfortunately are not implemented by default, yet. Any other button bindings are up to you

Chat is disabled on the Xbox.