Now I’ve heard that you are not allowed to use Quixel Megascans assets on Roblox, and that has been very clearly stated by Staff on the Quixel forums themselves, below is a screenshot of one of the results that shows up when you search “Roblox” on the Quixel help website.
One of my friends who has asked not to be stated for privacy reasons also contacted Quixel staff recently and has gotten the same result:
Me showing how people profit off of maps made with Quixel assets and not getting banned
Now despite the fact that you are prohibited from using Quixel assets on roblox even if you have a license, there are still people who use them with seemingly no legal action being taken whilst selling and profiting from maps made using said assets. One example is a group that is called Alpine Outdoors that also has a discord server on which, they sell and promote said maps. Here are a few examples of maps they promote and the assets that they used.
Now what I just sent is just a small fraction of all the assets that they use and the ones that I can find on the website, there are many others which I can assume with confidence are taken from the website such as these:

My friend has also gone through some of the images that they have sent and picked out a few more assets:
In the following image, you can see one of the owners trying to sell the map for real money and Robux.
One of the owners even has a place under their profile which shows an abundance of Quixel assets.
I presume that if you join the Discord server (which is linked on their group shouts), then you too will be able to notice the abundance of Illegal assets.
The question here is, what is stopping people from using assets from Quixel? From what I have heard (not confirmed) that the mentioned group, makes hundreds of thousands of Robux, if not more from selling Illegal maps.