What are the limits of Roblox filtering?

I’m creating a game in which I have voice actors. The game is very much stress based - an aircraft dogfighting game. The player and their AI (voice acted) copilot are in a metal coffin trying to not get hit by missiles twice the speed of sound.
Anyways, my point is, what words are allowed in Roblox audio? Is “crap”, or “hell” or “damnit” allowed? What about “heck” or “frick” or “fudge”? I know this is a weird post but the copilot need to have panic dialogue and, assuming I don’t overdo it, what would be considering acceptable and allowed on Roblox audio files?

Well this is unique
It seems like roblox will assume you go too far with almost anything
Playing it safe is a better option than getting banned

By “safe” I mean, Oh no!, yikes!, fiddlesticks, egad!
Unsafe, anything considered swearing, close to swearing, racial

To be honest, it is up to you to figure out what is good or bad
Play your cards wisely

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Look, say it in the chat in a public game without spaces, bypassing, changing letters or adding unnecessary symbols.
[@TechnologyStrong] : Fudge

If it gets censored then you know it :wink:

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