what are the steps i can take to start working on a game to where someone becomes owner of the house and when do they have permission to build on their house and do what you could do from bloxburg game. i’m not sure how i can make it to where if player touched say mailbox then they become owner of the house and only owner can have permissions to edit and everything basically. i can code i just don’t know what the steps to take for this idea i tried before but it’s pretty buggy and doesn’t really give the ui to the owner some reason like it does but it’s just messy cause it’s just pretty confusing to me on what i need to do i know theres different methods for this idea but i’m not sure which would be the best option. should i use an intvalue or stringvalue to set owner? stringvalue for player.name or intvalue for userid? for example. i just need to know what are the ways i can make it
Hi jjphariss, I tried messaging you in one of your games before, but now I have access to reply to this! Some methods you could take to make that game are as follows:
Start by Designing the house (I would love to help if needed on this part)
Then, Add a Touch Trigger inside your house model, add a part (e.g., a mailbox) that will act as a trigger for becoming the owner. You can use a ClickDetector or a Touched event to detect when a player interacts with this part.
Thirdly, Scripting ownership Logic, create a new script in Roblox Studio, and add it to the part you want to be the trigger (e.g., the mailbox.) In the script, you can use either an IntValue or a StringValue to store the owner’s information. Here’s an example using StringValue to store the player’s username as the owner:
local mailbox = script.Parent
local ownerValue = Instance.new("StringValue")
ownerValue.Name = "Owner"
local character = otherPart.Parent
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
if player then
ownerValue.Value = player.Name
ownerValue.Parent = mailbox
-- Insert some way of letting the user know that the action was successful here
If you want, you can use an updatable UI system like those found in most tycoon doors letting players know what player owns a specific tycoon.
After that, or before, as long as it gets done, you should script in a permission system. Using roblox’s integrated SetCore functionality should make this process easier.
After that is hopefully complete, test it, debug it, iterate it, and refine it!
hope this helps :)
that’s amazing. thank you so much for that info that was good you can add me on roblox if you want to
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