What are the rules regarding group payouts?

Hello! I am thinking and brainstorming about starting a new project, and I will not be able to describe all of it so people can’t steal my idea. Here’s all you need to know, though.

  • This will relate to paying people out robux for referring people to their game/group.
  • All of this will be done via Roblox. No external services (no discord bots, external websites, etc)

Is this allowed on Roblox? I have tried to reach out to Roblox support but they just gave me a URL about info about group payouts.

Please let me know if you need any more info, and thank you for spending your time answering/reading my post.


You might want to go to the Terms of Service/Community Rules for that. Also, I believe if you own a group, you can set it so a percentage of earned robux goes to a specific user (In case you didn’t know that already).


Yes, I know that. This is for a totally different purpose and is meant for more advanced and larger purposes. Thanks for helping, though!

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You… kind of do need to provide your circumstances if you’re looking for a proper answer. If you give a vague scenario of what you’re working with, then an equally vague answer would be given and you might be holding that up to a much larger operation where the same answer doesn’t hold.

I feel like you could just read the Roblox Community Guidelines or Terms of Service to understand the documented parts of dealing with Robux and then use common sense to fill in the blanks. Roblox officially, as documented in both the aforementioned articles, does not permit the exchange or distribution of Robux outside of official channels. Payouts are an official channel.


I will try to go more in-depth.

I am basically thinking of making a system where group owners / game owners can pay members to recruit legitimate members to play their game / join their group / both. The recruiters will be paid whatever amount the group/game owner determines, per person referred. This will add to their balance and will be redeemable to be paid via roblox.


  • Group owners buy a devproduct, it adds it to the group funds of our center group
  • Recruiters can refer people, and redeem that for robux that the group owner has funded. This will make a bot controlled via an external server payout that user.


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If there is nothing in the rules, and isn’t frowned upon in the community, It’s safe to say it’s okay.


Thanks for answering & spending your time reading and responding! I will be listening to everyone’s opinion.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

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I can’t provide you a good answer there. Consider messaging DevEngagement, they may be able to provide you an answer as their inbox is also open for communicating with the developer community. They will be able to provide you with an official answer or get in touch with the people who can.


Okay! Thanks for the advice! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!