What are the things I need to learn in order to develop an advanced parkour system?

I’ve been at work building a map for a zombie survival game that includes parkour, as it’s set in the city, I wish to include parkour as an intuitive way to get up around and down, very similar to how the game dying light works, however, I have no clue how to simply just conjure up this script as I don’t have any knowledge of the services and functions required.

In the game I want the player to be able to freely scale any building so long as it has a logical way to climb it. I’ve heard terms like raycasting, but not in my specific case.

In summary what i’m asking is:

  • What specific things should I learn to be able to achieve this?
  • Where I should be looking to learn in my case
  • And the context behind these things.

Below are two examples, the first, a skyscraper that the player can scale by slowly climbing up the flat ledge detailing, the second, the player can scale by slowly climbing up the crane.

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Looking at your question I will gladly answer it, if you have no knowledge on how to create a script and there are no ways to search or start, I recommend you to analyze the topic, make an algorithm in the form of a drawing to express your ideas.

In devforum there are many ways how to help in terms of your script, you can use already solved topics or figure it out yourself.

What steps can you do? First the RayCasting is a good way to express well the term to modify the player, camera, object, among others. Normally many video games use it.

You can do the following, create a script where the player when touching a certain block, sticks directly to it even if you press W,A,S,D. Then create an animation for each animation side, if it scrolls up, left or right.
Then add that once hanging on the wall, it can slowly descend.

As I said, there are many ways to do this, I hope this helps as a guide. :wink:

The best way to find out is to start trying

Cframes CFrames and more CFrames!

CFrame (coordinate frames) are complicated and even scary to approach and learn at first, but once you get it, life’s a breeze, especially in a situation like parkour and as mentioned raycasting.

Ask yourself questions. Try answering those questions by looking into the devforum.

You should also try using CFrame, LookVector, BodyVelocities, and RayCasting. Remember that coding doesn’t only require tricks, but it also requires for you to use those tricks in a smart way.

When you’ve done all of those steps, you should start experimenting.