What are the "World" keycodes?

I’ve looked on google and the devforum but I can’t seem to find an answer (If anything, I’ve probably been looking in the wrong places).

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s the World[0-95] Enums that show whenever you type Enum.KeyCode. in a script.


I tried seeing if they had any practical use (as far I can tell, they don’t) and running a for loop in the output log to see if they had any string correlations but only blank strings printed.


This has been a question I’ve had for a few years now and I hope I can find an answer to it. Does anyone know what they’re for and how to properly use them? Are they deprecated?


My guess would be they are for keyboards with extended character sets or larger formats than the standard QUERTY, however to be honest I have no clue. The documentation does say that keyboards of different formats are matched based on key position:

“…the location of keys (such as WASD) will remain the same on other keyboard types, such as Dvorak keyboards (where it would map to ,AOE)”

I did try plugging in my Razor keyboard which has extra M1-M5 keys, however these keys didn’t even trigger the InputBegan event. It might just be the case that these are placeholder codes or they map to some obscure controller/input device that wouldn’t make sense to assign them to any of the other existing KeyCodes.


So this is more of a guess, but could they be related to keyboards that use different character sets? I guess I’m more thinking of international keyboards which use special characters outside of the regular letters and numbers we are used to, such as ß or Ö which are physical keys on other keyboards, in places where those letters are used in their written language (also might relate to the “World” name). Considering there is 95 of them, it could be a possibility.

This is purely speculation, so there’s a pretty good chance it is wrong, I’m just throwing the idea out there. None the less, this is an interesting question I would like to find the answer to.

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Update: After another month of searching, I’ve seem to have found my answer in this thread:

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