One half of my office. The glowing crocuses are SurfaceLights that provide tasteful and subtle lighting.
All those triangles… you’re giving Bill Cipher a lot of eyes to work with.
Just wait until you see the other half of my office!
Here’s my DJ GUI thingy that a few of you may have already seen on my Twitter.
Showcase video [WIP]:
Thanks to @Zomebody for giving guideance on how to do the Sliding frames!
Relevant thread: Slider object for Gui's - #12 by AbstractAlex
Thanks to @Ravenshield for general help whenever called upon
And thanks to others who helped and tested.
When you have to stop what your working on to remake your triangle plugin so you can keep working on your main project with the new plugin
It will support multi-triangle design without instancing any actual parts until you want it to, which I thought would be neat.
Just translate the source of blender into roblox Lua
But…csg would be better…with…triangle manipluation…
I’m just saying i’m remaking my triangle plugin ;_; y all hate mi
Wouldnt it be more generic if it could work on N-dimensional euclidean simplices instead of only triangles?
Nah its cool, remaking plugins is fun… I’m actually having to make a plugin for Hotline Fury’s Inner Animal’s development because its waaaay too much work to setup characters and weapons manually, so I’m doing it all ui based with some selectionservice magic and what not.
Ripley: Mother! I’ve turned the cooling unit back on. Mother!
Mother: The ship will automatically destruct in “T” minus five minutes.
Ripley: You @#$@!
Such a great film. Excellent reconstruction Zootopia.
And Alien is a tour-de-force of set dressing BTW.
lobby lobby lobby lobby lobby lobby lobby lobby !!!
I now have to work on furnitures and decorations
Good song you’ve got there.
Gotta love that terminal.