What are you working on currently? [2016]

My favorite artist passed away a couple of months ago and past the few years, a couple of her songs got leaked. I’ve been making album/cover/whatever-art for the leaked songs so they won’t look so anemic when played on Spotify.


Been cooking with R15 a bunch lately. Slimed down just a touch with a sprinkle of IK, bake at 375 for 50 minutes and you get something pretty neat looking.

you’ll have to click here to see the gif, gyfcat went crazy.

Animations are pretty bad but those are what is to be worked on now that I have the rig set up :grin:



Yes realistic asteroids like that would be great. Although most asteroids are actually more potato shaped like:

Spherical asteroids are actually the much larger asteroids since they start to form to look like a dwarf planet/moon. Also you should add more prominent craters to your asteroids. What would also be cool is if that when an asteroid is blasted, it breaks up into smaller chunks (particularly for your larger asteroids).

Ah so… i should do Potato rocks then?

Is that a stolen Apocalypse Rising in the background?

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Well up to you, but I’m just showing what asteroids actually look like in the picture. Lots of random shapes and forms would be great too.

Not stolen, I’m the guy working on Apoc now.

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Sooo… something more like this:


Look amazing af. Nice texture. But where are those lovely craters. :frowning:

Did you actually make that or is that just a free model?

I just sculpted it in blender.
I am very tired, so I just took an icosphere, stretched it a bit, did some random brushes with the clay brush, then defined the edges with the crease brush.
Baked ambient occlusion map, and used that for a mix between two free stone textures I found online.
Which means I can’t do craters, because 5k tris limit

Each sphere on ROBLOX is 432 triangles. If your mesh is 5000 triangles already even without craters, that’s almost 12 times the number of triangles in one sphere. Do you think your games’ performance would suffer if you multiplied the number of sphere asteroids by 12? It certainly wouldn’t help at the very least – you should considering bumping down the number of triangles in the mesh asteroid.


Or could have crappy sphere asteroids for those that are far away not to be noticed clearly for its details.

it’s actually right around 1666…
loominati confirmed
but it’s not sphere shaped, far from it, in fact…
but yeah, i can do a kind of… LOD system after i get the core API in.

Made a video of the game I’m working on in unity!


i just made my first attempt at texturing a 3d model. the model itself is pretty low poly (only 1592 tris) so it’s not crazy detailed.

he’s very tiny and has 6 parts, just like a robloxian. yes, he will be used in an upcoming game.


Thats actually really good texturing. Nintendo/anyone still making WiiU games should hire you!

I actually recently completed working on a trading system in-game which mimmics the functionality of Steam Trading system (canceling ready-ups on item removal, and on item addition), simultaneous ready-up required to confirm the trade, blah di blah, here’s a picture:

This project has given me a very deep understanding of OOP and I’m glad I undertook it.

If anyone is interested, I actually uploaded a video documenting it’s use: