What are you working on currently? [2016]

Just working on my next Sports Title:

I’m actually going to be using this game as my Project for my Animation Class


You seem to divide your UI into multiple ImageLabels and then progressively change ImageTransparency and use :TweenSize() (or TweenSizeAndPosition)

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Storing the grip in the handle, genius

What do you mean?

Just a joke on the fact that he takes the clip out and attaches it like a grip is all, lol

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Continuing on my theme of IIDX 24 SINOBUZ-styled UI design, here’s the song select transition:


Is there anything you make that isn’t an instant masterpiece?


Yeah, probably about 99% of my failed projects and broken UI.

I’ve reached the point where if I stare at something for long enough, chances are I can recreate it relatively well, such as with the stuff I’ve linked. Even then, trying to figure out the motion and effects and break them down into their individual components took about at least 3 or 4 hours.

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If anyone’s wondering how I made this:

  • Shuriken was made in Studio, screenshotted against a green screen, then magic selection & delete to create transparency
  • Rainbow lens flare straight from a Google Image search
  • Hexagon trees were made from scratch in Gimp
    • Base tree silhouette was made by filling in different sections using the lasso selection tool + gradient
    • Hexagon ‘leaves’ were made by making one by hand, then lotsa copypaste
    • 3 versions: light-colored leaves, clear leaves, and light-colored + blur
  • Diagonal grid from a Google Image search, by getting a normal grid and turning 45 degrees
  • Central line is super stretched-out speedlines from Google Images, desaturated and with increased contrast
  • Central glowing circle and lines made using the circle selection & lasso selection tools + gradient

The rest is just modifying position, size, rotation, and transparency to create the desired motion effects


Just messing around with a prototype. It turned out okay, I think. Still have to rebuild the button so charging up looks better, though.


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Time to make a mess.


So this is close to the finish of the big update. I really wish I kept an update log because I’ve changed quite a lot even though it may not look like it when you first join, but there’s been a lot of work put in. Here’s a list of what I can remember off the top of my head:

  • Character models now use half the parts and joints. This results in some serious performance gains! :smiley:
  • Character models are pre-rigged with ragdolls, meaning the character that spawns is the ragdoll. No more deleting + instancing a new body (very expensive CPU-wise!)
  • New character models don’t require Motor C1/C0 to animate anymore (although in most non-expensive I still use them). Much less expensive Psuedo IK solving per frame!
  • New character models are also modeled much more like a human. As a result the proportions of the limbs and torso/head look a lot nicer.
  • Mixed my old (and inefficient) custom anchored-joints system with real roblox joints. As a result I have the customization and animation fluidity of the custom joints system without the performance loss. I only use these custom joints for: Handle, Mag, LeftPalm, RightPalm. Very little CPU usage but excellent visual improvements for animations!
  • Blueay is now on the team and re-animating all the guns… which means:
  • All of the guns in the new update are mesh (either optimized Unions in blender or custom built in blender, all done by VordonZon)
  • The mesh triangle limit (2x union limit) + more efficient meshes (unions are terrible @ keeping reasonable triangle counts) results in most guns going down in part count by about 8x (most 40-part guns are now closer to 5 parts).
  • The other advantage of this is the entire camo portion of the gun can now be one mesh, so textures (camos) are now seamless on the gun! exclusing the faces, of course
  • We also figured out how to work around roblox’s 0.2 stud limit on MeshParts by adding tiny triangles far away from the mesh itself.
  • Glass now shatters as wedges and shatters with less detail at distance. Minor stuff, but helps performance and looks cooler
  • Weapon framework redone somewhat. Spent close to 12 hours customizing all the values, adding new ones, and overall making it flow much smoother. As a result things like the SPAS-12/M200 Intervention feel really smooth. You can do things like rechamber a bolt or pump a shell while going in/out of aim animations, which is pretty neat in my opinion.
  • I don’t know how else to explain this other than “the game is more fun now.” Things are more satisfying and the game flows smoother overall (I think, let me know if you’ve got changes I should add)
  • Taking damage now screws with your camera. You take Damage*0.2 as added recoil each time you’re hit! This is something I’ve really wanted because snipers have no trouble shooting back when damaged and it’s really overpowered!
  • As shown above, oil now spills from the robots when they’re damaged. It takes into account how much damage was done and stuff
  • All gun models removed (they used the old animation system + were unions + were animated crappily by me). I re-introduced the ACR/SPAS-12/Z-34 with proper animations and added the new M200 Intervention.

I think I missed a few things that I completely forgot but oh well. Here’s the preview of the update before I finish a few things and upload it to the official place (invite a friend or something, it’s usually empty as it’s not the main game): ####### Station - Roblox

Edit: The reviews are in lol. I had some guy report a 4x performance increase (although I think that’s a specific case). Overall well received in the test place definitely no bias here :smiley:


ps. I actually really like PF and never wanted to compete with them. It just happens because that’s how consumers are I guess


→ Joins the game
→ Selects loadout.
→ Was instantly spawn killed over and over again.


Resolution not supported (1280x1024):

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I accidentally inverted the spawn point algorithm when I was testing in studio. I’ll fix when I get home tonight

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Ooh, What are your lighting settings at for that? My current project could use something similar.

Good news! I worked out a layout for the interior of the bar! Now the bar has, well, An actual bar.

I’m not sold on the wall colors, if anyone has some suggestions feel free to add them.


MOBA framework I’m working on.

Currently features replicated statues/npcs with npcs that move around their own team players to attack.


Adding attacking Statues (or towers as they are called) along with super basic animations soon.


By statues do you mean towers?

Yeah. I call them statues in my game.

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