It’d be cool if we had FSM logic built into the engine, just create a series of states and conditions and plug them in.
Gotta start getting servers with Intel Nervana chips
I mean I can look into it, but I doubt I’ll be allowed near the servers
(More on the clients side)
I think you’re over complicating things by building the goal choices into the FSM. State machines are good for resolving goals, but what the goal is should be chosen by some meta system. For example you don’t need ObtainPrimaryTarget, FindPathToPrimaryTarget, FollowPathToPrimaryTarget, AttackPrimaryTarget, FollowSecondaryTarget or AttackSecondaryTarget, you just need Idle, FindPathToTarget, FollowPathToTarget, FollowTarget and AttackTarget. Exactly what that target is should be assigned by some meta process that’s constantly assessing the world and evaluating threats. If it finds a threat that’s more pressing then the current target it can assign the new target and adjust the state accordingly (or let the states adjust themselves to the new target). Once that threat is resolved and the FSM is back in Idle it can put the original target back.
TL;DR: Don’t expect too much of your FSM, let it be good at resolving goals, not identifying them.
And certainly have a look at GOAP, but as UristMcSparks said it’s probably overkill if you’re only dealing with around 5 to 10 possible states. Or if your decision tree is so rigid there’s no point to building a dynamic resolver for it.
Your bullet-pointed description of what you want your AI to handle is beyond the level of complexity I’d try to express with a HFSM, and would be an absolute spider web with a non-hierarchical FSM. A behavior tree is definitely appropriate, but I’m confused by your example case:
What do you mean by “Secondary Target”? If you mean lower-priority target than primary, why would you switch targets in the first place? If you mean “additional target to engage simultaneously”, again… you’re not aborting the path/attack on the primary. If you instead mean secondary only in terms of quest objectives, but “new, top priority target due to proximity” (as I suspect is the actual case), then I would argue that it’s not a “secondary” target for the purposes of tree prioritization, it’s a new primary target, in which case the answer is clearly that the FindPathToPrimaryTarget action should fail, and the tree should re-evaluate and end up pathing to the new target.
@AllYourBlox @ProfBeetle and @UristMcSparks anyone else who wants to post AI stuff, I’ll make a thread later tonight/tomorrow that will be dedicated to AI stuff so we can talk about it there and I can answer questions regarding the topic, it’ll be a good discussion.
It’s a rebel!
Shoot him down!
Good luck with this, I already like it because it reminds me of something good
Infinite Chess FPS?
I was thinking that one arc in A!MG where the guy’s room becomes an infinite space populated by timewhales, but with guns.
what are you animating with?
i used blender for all of mine
it works pretty well too
My own animation engine I made a year ago
Been working on a certain Hotel. Got some of the basics down like:
- Click to move
- Grid-based movement
- Locked Camera (Soon to have pan/zoom)
- Seats
- Player collisions/Mouse collisions
Next is functional furniture and then letting players make as many rooms as they want and invite friends
Also learned a lot about how far roblox can scale and the issues that come of it! Might make a post soon to point out a few areas the engineers could improve in.
All my friends are dead
Well, all my friends who aren’t standing up are fine tbh
(Why is the Sent rate so high? As far as I can tell the only thing that should be being sent from the client at this point is I am a dead boi)
Little unusual for these parts but I’ve been working on editing photography. All of these are super high resolution panoramics, I’ve had to scale them down to upload here but like the top panoramic of the mountains is 10595x2543, Second one is 9570x4123, etc
More on my site if you’re interested
(its a gif)
i made this in a day, i may continue it, or see if other people want to join in on it, basically a airship battle that aims to run 200 players.
the blue tracers try to shoot down the main cannon of other players.
the pool’s gonna stay open though, right?
Please do not force click to move! I want to keep using WASD or arrow keys
Up to the players