What are you working on currently? (2017)

Think wave and objective based gameplay like Killing Floor, nonsense button mashing against hordes of enemies, and then carefully individually crafted dark souls-like bosses which requires precise dodging and parries.


Here is the Version-1 of my lightning generator system:

If you have any questions about it then feel free to ask. :grinning:

Taking this:

And turning it into this:

Oh and this is the simplest UV unwrap done, other models are far… far worst. Only got 50 more assets to unwrap…


Sure thing, give me a little bit and I’ll hit you up

Progress of the game’s lobby. Pretty proud of my work today.


Oh wow! This seems really appropriate for the Halloween season, were you working on it then?

Functional furniture. Things that can be clicked and messed with:

Click-to-move now using my some of my own AI code:


Made a nailgun. Here’s a render:

This is the toned down version for Roblox use (less detail).

White version:

With this, you’ll be able to nail those shots!


Yeah, haha. I’m still going to finish it, nonetheless as it’s a horror game that might work out.

Currently I’ve been creating a custom movement system (initially based on CS:S bhop, but I sort of went off on a limb to make it a bit different).

Development Session 1:
Built a basic map for testing purposes, and got the basic movement system working.

Development Session 2:
Added a fairly basic gun, and the ability to shoot certain objects in the environment to make it more engaging.

Development Session 3:
Added the ability to gain additional speed by bhopping.

Development Session 4 ( no tweet :frowning: ):
Added a modular map system and three maps.

You can try it out here:

EDIT: If you join and start floating, try rejoining, all gravity type physics are pretty odd right now.

Additional Recent Creations

Perlin Noise Terrain (diggable and buildable like Minecraft):

Goofy Inverse Kinematics Character:


A quick glance at our upcoming FPS - Project Scorpion!

Our ship map for our upcoming game with the new lighting :smiley:


The contrast is killing me… like stabbing me in the eyes, lighting needs work. But interesting amount of detail on everything. I assume you’ll be loading chunks of the ship in/out of the client based on what they can see/cannot see?

No but the ship is only 16k parts with no unions or meshes
(besides low poly cylinder meshes to replace the roblox primitive)

Contrast is at the default value

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is this habbo hotel?
edit: nvm habbo seemed to have been a finnish only thing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habbo)

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Must’ve been a worldwide finnish thing then. I remember playing (around with) it long ago, and back then it was already translated in several languages.


Modeled and textured some stabby knives for Knife Capsules.

Made a radio and a skin for it too :stuck_out_tongue:


I was actually planning something like this under “Nexus Hangouts”. Guess it will be time for me to cancel the idea since I never planned to start it.

Reworking projectiles so I can use both object and trail-based.
Also finally got around to working in a Game Speed variable, so now I can begin adding a Bullet-time powerup! :slight_smile:

Edit: Discovered that putting point lights into the projectile was causing the bullet scripts activity rate to skyrocket, also created a sound effects module that can play sounds, pause and update them based on game speed!


I recently made a map for a Halloween game.

(Low quality screenshots because I forgot to save them after I posted them to twitter.)