What are you working on currently? (2017)

Don’t we all:



Is that stenciling, or FBO trickery?

I’ve improved so much lol, just showing progress on remaking the design of the book image for my game’s GUI

(I forgot the spine lol)

That’s not Roblox right?

Edit: The water is flowing. Not Roblox.

Beach stuff for Boardwalk Tycoon.


Working on a new showcase, one day a week. Once my prison game is out, this will become my main project.


Looks like you’re really… raising the roof around here!


I crashed a plane



The UI for my new animation system is (mostly) done. Was aiming for the least amount of space used with full functionality.

looks like your pilot was pretty… LOST…

geez. i gotta stop with these puns…

Robinson r22, with baked on AO

something… isn’t quite right here…

awww yea


GLSL magic + Unity. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Unity! :smiley:

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damn, the hivemind’s gotten to you too…

mmm I’m wasting too much time on my rig :frowning:


A few times, I got bored, so I tried making a few 3D rendering systems in Love2D and Java Eclipse.

I no knowledge on how 3D rendering works, and I am too lazy to look up some 50 page article, so liikkkeeee how are normals calculated…? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Also how are fbx/obj models read? :U
Also how did you learn to do this?
Also ur things are magical to me.
A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶b̶r̶a̶g̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶s̶.


Let me start off by saying I love the fact you used a ASCII renderor. I absolutely love those things. I didn’t know it existed outside of WebGL

1.) It’s important to understand the difference between surface and vertex normals (vertex normals are the directions project off each vertex, and surface normals are the directions interpolated between each vertex normal that’s connected. If you want smooth phong, you want to interpolate. If not (like the sphere in my video) just don’t calculate normals in blender, and it won’t be applicable.)

2.) OBJ files are actually a fairly simple format to read. You’ll need to know some caviots about the OpenGL pipeline to understand how to transfer it to a OpenGL 3D model (like VAO and VBO pipeline);
In a perfect world you’d export it and it’s ordered by sections: lines starting with v (vertex positions),
Then vt (vertex texture coordinates), then vn (vertex normals, if you exported the model computing normals.), and lastly f (face values. This part ties it together. Imagine every vertex value from before was put into a table, and the face values were a collection of numbers that were indexs to reference those positions- which saves OpenGL some time and memory on rendering. This is called a Indice (in-dis-E) rendering pipeline.)
In a non perfect world different modeling programs export OBJs with small variations to the order and multitude of items in the file… so it’s a pain to make a OBJ loader for all of the stuff.

Good learning sources include yt channels like: the bennybox, the chernoproject, sparky game engine series, and in general just looking series on game dev math :stuck_out_tongue:
Good article websites include docs.gl, and learn-OpenGL.com

If you think they are magical now, wait until I make some tripping things real soon >:}

Any chance this could be open sourced?
Lately I’ve been also working on lightning effects but honestly can’t get anything near this good looking :confused:

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its ur boi Chandelure :jack_o_lantern:


look at this low-poly apartment I made about a year ago