thats silky smooth
Testing some attachment nodes for a game I’m working on.
- 5.56 Suppressor
- Red Laser
- Angled Grip
I’m not necessarily working on it currently but I wanted to show you guys a project I was working on awhile ago(about the same time R15 came out). I’m no sure if I’ll ever continue it, there are a couple bugs in the video(and my internet wasn’t being very fast). I only worked a couple weeks on it and then got sidetracked by the other projects.
It was a remake of the PS3 online game “Fat Princess”, one of my all time favorites and a nostalgic jewel.
edit: sorry if the video is grainy, I’m not sure what’s causing that(I’m using OBS)
got hermite, catmull-rom and now bezier splines inheriting from a common cspline class so I can screw around and do stuff like
CatmullRom(v2(0,0), v2(0,1), v2(1,1), v2(1,0)):GetLength()
which means constant-velocity spline paths
todo: natural splines
Approximation or exact formula? I tried integrating a “speed” equation for quadratic Bezier curves a while back, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it cause it was an integration of sqrt(ax^2 + bx + c). That type of formula can’t exactly be solved with trig substitution. I haven’t looked into how splines are done yet so I’m not sure how different the formula is, but I can imagine that it would look pretty similar.
it’s numerical; exact formulas don’t exist. GetLength just subdivides the curve with lines until it starts converging; the constant-velocity stuff uses runge-kutta to step x studs along the curve.
only real difference between quadratic vs cubic splines is the addition of a 3rd order term. there’s no way to parameterize either for constant velocity.
can share code if there’s any interest
I am interested.
here’s the constant velocity part. ‘t’ is the same t in s(t)=a+b*t+c*t^2+d*t^3
, and ‘ds’ is the length you want to slide down the curve.
it outputs a new value of t.
local RK4_DIV = 32
function cspline:Transfer(t, ds)
local c0, c1, c2 = self[2], self[3], self[4]
local c0x, c0y, c0z = c0[1], c0[2], c0[3]
local c1x, c1y, c1z = 2*c1[1], 2*c1[2], 2*c1[3]
local c2x, c2y, c2z = 3*c2[1], 3*c2[2], 3*c2[3]
ds = ds/RK4_DIV
for _ = 1, RK4_DIV do
local dx, dy, dz =
c0x + t*(c1x + t*c2x),
c0y + t*(c1y + t*c2y),
c0z + t*(c1z + t*c2z)
local k1 = ds/sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
local n = t + k1*0.5
dx, dy, dz =
c0x + n*(c1x + n*c2x),
c0y + n*(c1y + n*c2y),
c0z + n*(c1z + n*c2z)
local k2 = ds/sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
n = t + k2*0.5
dx, dy, dz =
c0x + n*(c1x + n*c2x),
c0y + n*(c1y + n*c2y),
c0z + n*(c1z + n*c2z)
local k3 = ds/sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
n = t + k3
dx, dy, dz =
c0x + n*(c1x + n*c2x),
c0y + n*(c1y + n*c2y),
c0z + n*(c1z + n*c2z)
t = t + (k1 + 2*(k2 + k3) + ds/sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz))/6
return t
self[2-4] come from the code in my first post. they’re the first, second, and third-order coefficients of the spline. positions on the spline are evaluated in horner form as self[1] + t*(self[2] + t*(self[3] + t*self[4])))
self[1-4] are arrays containing x, y, and z components.
I’ll edit this post with a less mangled explanation when I wake up, it’s 5 in the morning haha
Learning Blender and wanted to redo my Star Destroyer’s Shield Generator Dome.
Turned out easy to do
No matter what meshes will always be superior to CSG lol.
If anyone wants to check out the first map 4 mai game.
You should tinker a bit with your lighting or add some light sources, these screenshots are pretty dark
I’m trying to get a Winder Waker look but it’s quite difficult with little to no idea how to use Color Correction or lighting lol.
Cool, I did play quite a lot of Fat Princess back in the day too.
More non-roblox yet still kinda relevant stuff from me. I’ve been using a lot of the skills I’ve been learning from my lectures in our Roblox games, so I deem it as relevant haha
3D modelling assignment, futuristic utopia environment.
You should probably be expecting a call from ILM soon.
sorry about the excess memes… i’m just about finished with this semester of college, so i’ve not had time to work on things.
i released a tankery map asset pack for people in my group to try and make maps with. and the feedback has been wonderful so far… now to make a map rotation system :T
it’s got aesthetics!