I recently picked up Blender and messed around with it for a few days which resulted in this render:
Credit to @YasuYoshida for the map, and special thanks to @maplestick for his wonderful Material Essentials for Blender.
I recently picked up Blender and messed around with it for a few days which resulted in this render:
Ya probably should fix that. I do gotta admit that was pretty funny yesterday tho, LOL.
sees second last picture
god im so immature.
g fluffing g.
I’m not Rhyles
I know. You remind me a lot of his FPS game, which I just checked and found out that you’re the builder. Can’t wait to see what you two make!
We stopped working on games like 1-2 years ago due to Rhyles losing the motivation to work on the FPS sadly.
I am hoping to remake the game in the future though.
#SVD Sniper Rifle / Dragunov
(few details are purposefully left out to keep the model as low in polygonal count as possible)
Fast particles test. They even support z-sorting and collision detection. This demo shows me shooting 1800/sec.
I’ll probably end up using these for some guns I’m working on.
These are LineHandleAdornments right? Curious how you are sorting them, I always find that to be the impractical part. (since AFAIK all handleadornments do not have proper Z-sorting with other objects at the same ZIndex, and sorting them efficiently in Lua seems a pain to figure out)
I made the snake game for Windows Error Simulator
Pretty disappointed that it doesn’t error when you die.
Do you sort them yourself at every X frames / when the camera moves enough, or something more sophisticated?