What are you working on currently? (2017)

Shadows/dark areas are wayyyy too black imo


This may be going overboard, but you should set the character’s networkownership to server-side. Then you’ll have that classic character movement lag we all hated.

Seeing how this started, to where it is now, damn dude. :+1:

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Thanks! I also added some more details since then, as well as another (unfinished) room with some structural beams.


It was very early morning. At day they are still dark but closely reflect the ambient color of the daytime. I have a script that changes the ambient shadow color in realtime depending on time of day, so I guess that just needs some tweaking :man_shrugging:

After this long, I now have a work-in-progress title screen, instead of the game going straight to Music Select. HUZZAH


I’d recommend having mouse support as well! That would be a major improvement over the current UI

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That’s probably a good idea for me to add it now, since 1) I’m still early in the development cycle for the game, and 2) everything is way more organized than before, making it easier to add mouse support.

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We need to continue this project and try to get the game finished!


Made a gun for the first time in 2 years, I missed it


Looks very cool and well made but I can’t get over how small and thin the handle is. I also think the sight should have curved sides like a reflex or coyote sight - hexagon shape is a bit reminiscent of low poly imo.

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A work in progress ui for the remastered version of our game Monstrum!
(Weapon stats is not yet finished)
(Also all item’s images will be redesigned)

Please rate out of 8


My Robot so far, need to finish the stomach bit and the back, than I can FINALLY start the chest, arms, neck-ish and head. : D

Updated Version:

Other View:


Some furniture for Hexaria:

More updates:



What do you use to render?

Nvidia mental ray in 3DS Max

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Rough Version.
Any thoughts?


Something always seemed off putting about your character models and I think I finally understand what it is - the characters are all solid colors. There are no details to give them depth and definition.


Sadly because Roblox doesn’t have anything to fix seams so we’re cheating by using Brightness 0

Once Roblox (if ever) adds Un light influenced objects they will be shaded to a certain point.

We are also trying a cel shade mix.
If you have anything that can help fix seams please let me know ;-;

We were also thinking of using the Blamo method for Cel shade by completely demolishing the fog settings.
Another thing that can fix our issue is the adding of Vertex Deformation but as depressing as it is I doubt Roblox will be adding it anytime soon.

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