What are you working on currently? (2017)

  1. castle black
  2. king’s landing
  3. highgarden
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The man, the myth, the legend. Tribute to @ScriptOn, my favourite scripter. Your our golden trophy!


Haha sweet. Is that blender?



no it’s a trophy


Been practicing Blender a bit.

Neat! I had a scene I made in late May using similar models. Yours looks way better. The absence of fireflies must mean you spent a lot of time rendering that. Keep it up!

Your render looks quite grainy/noisy.

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Yeah, this was done months ago on a small timeframe, I did it for free for someone. Those grains are called fireflies in blender. I had to increase the sampling big time. I would never do that nowadays lol. It would be shameful.

That’s just a ton of noise from not having enough samples, I can’t really see any fireflies.

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Lol, in blender, or as Andrew Price says it. That annoying noise thing is called fireflies, not that im trying to trick you to like it by saying that those are legit fireflies

I’m almost certain that those aren’t fireflies. (to my knowledge)

Pretty sure it is noise.

This is an example of fireflies.


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wdym by fireflies, legit fireflies. For me, fireflies and noise are one and the same, just different ways of saying it. At least according to Andrew Price

Look at the image, you can see white pixels in places, in the section where it says “WITH FIREFLIES”.

Here, this shows noise with fireflies and without , image


I see what you mean. I guess I associated noise with fireflies. Maybe because I hate both for making shorter renders look uglier. :smiley: thanks for pointing that out tho.

No problem.

you guys should check our this plugin

also. interior scenes are horrendously noisy in blender cycles

While we’re on that topic, I spent part of my weekend learning some more of Blender’s tools, and making these classic 1920s American Standard fixtures (shown here in studio).


getting ready for that combat update boyys


Haven’t seen you posting here before… you new here? Either way, awesome! Another blender user! ^w^
You should try rendering at a minimal of 500 samples with Indirect Lighting being clamped at 0.03, it removes a good amount of noise and fireflies… Or well for me it does.