What are you working on currently? (2017)

Got some help from some really cool people (Kohl/AxisAngle) and now when I render high-res it will actually export!

Here’s a 720p quick render.

Here’s a 4k render (took 63 minutes)

The artifacts and sample rates are starting to become a bit more apparent once you render at this high of a res, so I’ll try doubling the values and optimizing a few things with shadows.

Edit: Noticed the shadows looked horrendous and figured out why the sphere rendered without casting shadows on itself.

View more stuff by clicking here (updated)

Found out that the sphere was completely illuminated because of a typo. Fixed!


Next I approached smoother shadows by decreasing the sample angle by 33% and increasing the sample rate by 2x. The result is 6x smoother shadows :smiley:



Ended up fixing some lighting issues and shadows and ran this in 1080p real quick:


Doing a bit of vector math to find the intersection of a circle and a line.

The green disc is the circle, the black is the line, the white is the origin of the line, and the blue is the intersection of the line and the circle.


Coming soon!


more sneak peaks



Thanks, and I think I’ll keep that material for now since it adds a little variation in material to the room though I may end up changing it in the future.

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Still working on the lighting. Thank you @Misuer for the chairs, still learning how to make those.


whenever you post about lighting stuff, it instantly becomes the hilight of my day.

is this with that new fancy lighting system? i’d be curious to see how it’d turn out with that.

i think the scale on the wood grain is a bit too high.

give this a shot


inb4 'muh woodgrain'

it’s not… that bad, right?



Would you be able to summarize the code for that…for…like…noobs. Is it for me? no no no, its just for my cousin’s wife’s cousin. :smiley:
[whispers to self] dang it, should’ve just said my brother, now now one believe me

Honestly though, Im not that great in lua, but Im pretty experience with unity’s c#, and it doesn’t use concepts much more different. How were you able to get the raycast to recognize shadows, if it was even raycasting. I mean, this would be awesome for stuff like in-game photo booths for your character, as well as security cameras. You has mentioned bloom, and other effects, how though?

Nice Attack on Noob stuff you got here.

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Looks plain-sawn with a lot of runout. For a gun stock you probably would want quarter- or rift-sawn lumber so it’s not especially weak in one place.


Shouldn’t be too insanely hard for you to fix!

EDIT: Turns out a lot of people do make guns from plain-sawn wood. Probably more out of necessity though, since it’s pretty difficult to get non-plain-sawn lumber these days unless you have a friend with a sawmill or have a sawmill…


I wrote a Lua parser in Lua that converts Lua code to some table format. To check whether it actually parsed everything and didn’t leave stuff behind, I made an unparser. Then I parsed the parser, unparsed the result and ran the result to see if it worked the same. It did, so I’m happy.

For fun, I inputted Person299’s Admin Commands (https://pastebin.com/SqXz11hD) and unparsed it, resulting in this: Person200's Admin Commands - Parsed & Unparsed - Pastebin.com (parser ignores comments, so none here)

Took 78 seconds to parse to my AST format and 0.01s to unparse from AST to Lua code. Ran it in PowerShell using Lua 5.1.4 binaries, no idea how slow it would be in studio or so. I did write the parser in a style that made it easy for me to debug, so now I’m gonna write an efficient version of it and look how that’ll go. unparser is less useful and fast enough that I’ll skip on making that performant

EDIT: I don’t remember making it that a == b^3 and c becomes (a == (b^3)) and c and not ((a==b)^3) and c, probably should do that

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Run 1 Ray to see what you hit. Run 1 more towards the sun to see if It’s in a shadow. Run 12 more in a cone around the sun Ray for soft shadows.

For the sun highlights just compare surface angle of hit to angle of sun.


Localized string methods (e.g. str:find(...)find(str,...) with find defined at top) and switched from self:Method(…) to Method(…) (localizing ‘self’ and creating separate parser functions for each parser), yet speed increase is almost unnoticeable. Gonna try some stuff, mostly reducing calls… guess it’s doomed to be slow.

I find that very enlighting.
And no it is not with the new lighting system, but since you are curious:

ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵐᵒᵛᵉ


I find it interesting the amount of developers building with Shadow Mapping instead of the CPU based voxel system (aka production). Doesn’t look Roblox-y to me, which is probably good as they look BA, but these builds really depend on Shadow Mapping shipping instead of the GPU based voxel system.

You should totally make that room into an Escape Room.

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I’ve got my fingers, arms, legs, and toes crossed they go with shadowmap.

On the polls they did, shadowmap won, so they are most likely going with shadowmap

and its obvious why


I think in the future its best that roblox move on from this Roblox aesthetic. Better graphics is the way to make a more respectable platform.

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seriously though. i’m pumped. I’ve never had anything like this work before.

also, funfact: proper IK and hand tracking is super important in a blender rig.


I made a flashlight detector that does not use raycasting,