What are you working on currently? (2017)

that’s probably appropriate since light goes through stuff anyway.


Nice! I’d highly recommend you lower the gun, though. Also try to be aware of your wrists as they look a bit uncomfortable. It’s something I personally struggled with in KC.

I’ve learned a lot about animation though so when I get back to working on it this winter I’ll be redoing the anims. Let me know if you need some help!

1 Like

sadly, the left wrist will always be looking a little uncomfortable until i make a mesh rig, but i did adjust the right arm to be sticking out (as it would with a real rifle) rather than tucked down.

also, it’s not an FPS game without exclusive skins :stuck_out_tongue:

also, annoying. slightly off center box for some reason :T

tbh one of the harder parts was figuring out the proportions…
if only there were some kind of setting, or feature… that allowed me to instantly way a character to human-like proportions…


ShadowMap is the better option, but only if it can be implemented without killing off low end players like mobile. There may be a problem with optimizing down to where they need it.

I feel like they wouldnt have offered it as an option if they werent able to get it on mobile.

Wanted to try my hand at cel-shaded clothing, couldn’t think of a better character to start with:

Champion's Tunic - DA 2

edit: Variant with AA shading:

Champion's Tunic - Smooth Shading w arms


It’s too bad most of that detail will be lost when someone puts it on.

Watch out boy she’ll chew you up
She’s a maneater
Watch out boy she’ll chew you up
She’s a maneater
I wouldn’t if I were you
I know what she can do
She’s deadly man, she could really rip your world apart
Mind over matter
Ooh, the beauty is there but a beast is in the heart

Finally got around to importing her, she’s a bit taller then an average ROBLOXian, but not too bad.

Size comparison

But that’s what you get for modeling a character with more realistic proportions. And yes my friends, her uzi has bullets.


Wow, your pics make me wish I could build…
Amazing stuff!

Ey UV mapping is nice.


Coming soon



cool, can’t wait

I’ve been working on a compiler for a scripting language I had started about a month ago;
Its basically everything I wanted Lua to be. Lua + Python + MyOwnStuff

import {
    Hello : package.compiler.something

import package.compiler.something as Hello, package.parser.something

local y,x = Hello(), something()

local function hello(){
      local function example() print(123 | 332) ; --implicit clauses
}--explicit clauses

local{ --scopeset
   x,y,z = 1,2,3 
   a,b,c = "hello" HELLO = "Hello" --dont need commas or semis to denote a new statement

local class Matrix3f(parentClass){
   local hello,goodbye
   local hello = 123
   shared{ --shared is equivalent of a public property for a class.
      m00,m01,m02 = 0F, 0f, 0F
      m10,m11,m22 = 0F,0F,0F
      m20,m21,m22 = 0F,0f,0f

      magnitude = 0 --idk why i have this as a property, but its there ig.
   function constructor();--empty function, as per the implicit clause.
   function asString(x=0,y=0,z=0){ --named paramaters
      return "$x, $y, $z" --var capture in strings

local x = "
all strings can be embedded in one another, such as 'hello', or [[goodbye]], and are all multiline.

Custom pre/post/inline operators for classes, editing function-bodies in realtime, and being able to set meta-methods for classes AND variables easily.

Theres a lot more to the language, but yeah, as of right now this works. Its not able to be interpreted yet, but I made a prototype interpreter for the last syntax definition.

Will be called GemScript :slight_smile: I hope to get it to spread as a GP Scripting language for its fluidity, versatility, and ease of embedding. It will basically be as feature-rich as Lua and much more. much much more


I think the appeal of lua might be that it’s so lightweight and efficient. It might benefit you to make that a priority as well since you seem to want a similar audience.


What are you writing the compiler/interpreter in? Lua? C++?

Java at the moment. Will be migrated after I get all the kinks of structure worked out

Something something discord voicechat something


just a thought, but… wouldn’t it be lighter on performance if you moved the rods with animations instead of maths?

Update on the voice chat.

It creates a Voice Channel for each server and you can then join the voice channel using in-game controls to chat with people in the same server. The downside is you have to be in the discord server and you need to be connected in the Lobby voice channel for this to work.

You could use this to create separate voice channels for (for example) Phantom Force’s both teams and move people between the voice channels when they change teams.


Hey, don’t hold your rifle by the magazine! There’s a forward handguard for a reason!