What are you working on currently? (2018)

Some basic dialogue for a game that I’m working on. (Props if you know what this is based off of.)
Please pardon the quality, it was recorded using Roblox’s in-game recording software.


Here’s my first 6 hours into learning neural networks. (click to play)

You might recognize this racetrack/car system from before when I did just genetic algorithms. The difference here is I don’t directly map inputs to outputs anymore. Cars have a 2-layer system (Input -> Layer1 -> Layer2 -> Output) and use genetic algorithms for a survival of the fittest sort of system. By generation 30 or so they can begin doing full laps!

This allows for pattern recognition and hopefully I’ll be able to make them do cool stuff in the future like drift.

Here they are 10 minutes later:


Any useful resources you used to get into neural networks?


Nothing really too specific (really not sure why nobody has explained neural nets more simply yet). I googled and YouTubed around a bit. Got a sort of general idea of bits and pieces then watched this video. In the first 10 min or so it sort of clicked. He still never properly explains it in full but it got me on the right track.


Thanks! He does explain it much better than others I’ve seen. Not that they were incorrect, just much harder to follow

Yeah it’s pretty bad. I might make my own video explaining how to make your own one day.



Still sponsored by my twitter pls follow xoxo love u all


First time animating, here’s the result.


I designed these costumes for WR and XLR rendered them. :slight_smile:


im confused what exactly is this, aren’t like half of these dev forum users

Nah most of them are designed off of different avatars I’ve had in the past. Render #8 is @DeepBlueNoSpace and #2 is @NoAlias . :octopus:

What are they for? Are you like selling these or are they NPCs or something?

They’re for an update at Wild Revolvers. You can essentially collect them for in-game currency and wear them. The rarest is of course the cow. :cow:

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I’m literally just doing this for fun but it’s causing me to lose my sanity, I designed a whole flushed out lower floor template for the bottom, I’ll have lots more to do tomorrow but yeah I’m proud of this

I won’t post about it here again until I get like tons more done, i’ll just bother my twitter followers with screenshots until then.

Also I’m thinking I should write a script to dim all the lights because the ceiling looks way too bright, though the ground level is just the brightness I want so /shrug


I’ve been thinking this entire time that this was just a really tiny build at a certain angle, but cool interior :open_mouth:

Well, one of those is definitely an outfit I wore (Render5XLR), it’s the exact clothing and hat combination I used to wear (sometimes rotating between using Magnaspectro shades or Steampunkoneer shades)

The clothing used in particular is a set I made for myself that I’ve never sold to anyone, so I’d find it difficult to believe that was a piece of clothing you just thought to use off of the top of your head.


A tip: Men’s bodies are the opposite of women’s. Men’s go out at the shoulders, in at the hips, out at the legs, while women are the opposite: in at the shoulders, out at the hips, and in at the legs.

I’ve forgotten this so many times while drawing I made a woman look like a dude and vice versa lol.

Edit: I’ll draw a basic diagram when I get home since I’m generally bad at explaining

Haha that’s just because I changed the camera FOV in order to give it an isometric look for the screenshot. yeah the whole thing is full sized and totally explore-able

What FOV do you use? Or does it depend on the size?