What are you working on currently? (2018)

DAmn, how did you get the reflections to work on the skin, looks almost like real life. I never knew buildv4 could help you make such realistic creations! One tip though, I believe that your mirror tool is flipping the thing on the wrong side, try getting it on the right side so both sides of the face are connected.

Cool, but blocky? Hmm, I personally think that this is limiting. In your build, you use cylinders, which reflect smooth light, yet include square blocks which reflect flat light. I think having one or the other (give or take a few areas) would be the best combination. Have you thought of going all-out flat by using more blocky pillars?

I am aware of this trust me, Ive been making games like this since 2014 with over 6mil visits. Another thing I like to point out, it’s not R-Rated if you slap an iron cross on a German fighter, there are thousands of war groups on roblox that use that logo instead of the other one. Even OG Fps like Battle of Carantan and Call of Robloxia used those logos. Not to mention that There are games like Robber and Entry Point on roblox that are a lot more accurate when it comes to armed robbery.

Fair enough.

and it’s not so much that the accurate logos put a rating on it, it skims to close to the historical relevancy of the powers at play.
but then again, any of my encounters with deletion based on the Iron cross has been with group games. where if you can’t win, mass report.

anyway, enough talk. let’s make.

working on a top-down(ish) game based around blowing stuff up.
people like that, right?


with of course, world deformation


and of course, when you suck at map making, you hand it over to Randy Random.

with a bit of checks and balance. Such as the starting area will always be flat(ish), and since you can chip away at mountains, you’ll always have land to mine, and don’t have to worry about that pesky stuff like “the mountains keep me from going there”


The most important part of my game is now alive!


Yep! It’s a Cirrus SR22.

in all honesty i’m too lazy to remove the watermark, but here’s a commission for the lovely Mrs_Samantha! this is my first design non-work related in quite a while, so i had lots of fun making it :slight_smile:


I was given a reference photo and went by my friend’s preferences : ) I did consider all the choices you suggested. I went through multiple designs and discussed about a bunch that I didn’t even get the chance to build because they were shut down. Here’s a base design of a house I tried to go with, but was rejected.

“They look stone age.” To be fair, I can’t really get the proper Naruto ninja vibes without being given a nice reference image, so I went with @UnseenXL’s guidance :slight_smile:

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Wow, I like how your Santa stares at you whenever you got close to him and laughs with an animation from time to time. I thought the path on the ground was the only places he could walk over/to. Is there a set path for the Santa to follow, or a limited area he can walk around in???

A mesh for the roof of a structure.

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He moves randomly within the parts located below him. That way, I can specify where I want him to go and where I don’t want him to go.

At around 25 seconds into the video you posted, he walks out of the parts below him.

First attempt at setting up a side-scrolling shooter in a very long time, gonna need loooots of adjustment.
Also, nearly seamless cinematics!


Looks pretty :smile:

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Fancy new visuals while cops capture you + you can now get busted and sent to jail!


Made this sci-fi hover bike thing

With black instead:


Looks like christmas has come early.


Made two GFX using two base renders, then added effects and background in Photoshop. First practice using Cycles Rendering:

I think my lighting on the second one could’ve been done a little better, but I’m not sure how


You may be right about the lighting, but I reckon both look really clean and smooth :open_mouth:

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Why did I make this…


Where can I get one?

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