What are you working on currently? (2018)

Right now I’m working on a slew of stuff, some of it on hold, but here’s a quick rundown:
-Chipio Data Storage Complex: Essentially a giant underground facility similar to Pinewood Computer Core, but much more detailed, realistic, and packed with things to do. Currently on hold while I figure out how to fill a warehouse with shelving without adding an extra 900,000 parts.
-Trend Chaser: A game based on predicting trends and fads and building games around them in order to rise to the front page. Still a bit of a mockup while I come up with ideas for it.
-Classic Arcade Tycoon: This was a tech demo of my new tycoon kit and a way to test my livestreaming capability. I say “was” because I have put livestreaming on hold, and thus this project. You can watch the entire stream archive here.

Some non-ROBLOX things:
-My YouTube Channel: 2017 was a big year, and I plan to make 2018 even better. I recently posted one of my most favorite videos, and I intend to keep doing that throughout this year. I’m bringing in new types of content and phasing out/reimagining old ones.
-A Nathaniel Hawthorne Documentary: My project for the end of this semester for American Lit is to create a documentary documenting the writing process of Nathaniel Hawthorne. I look forward to completing it and maybe sharing it on here.
-A YouTube Red Show Review: If you have Red, you’ve probably seen a show called Hyperlinked. It’s… pretty bad. I’m writing my first-ever review on it, because I refuse to remain silent about this tragedy of filmmaking… I’m currently 5 pages into the review and a minute and thirty seconds into the first episode, so it’ll take a while to complete it (which I probably won’t).

So yeah, that’s what I’m working on. Two games on hold, one game in pre-production, a low-budget YT channel, a class-sanctioned documentary, and a video dedicated to bashing Disney.

What can possibly go wrong?

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I’m working on a sword fighting game to bring back sword fighting games

It’s bare bones atm but…yeah, I’m the only one doing the programming, gfx and level design


First model of the year! The Baldwin RF-16 Sharknose wearing the Pennsylvania Railroad’s livery, and yes the road number is intentional.


Can this get moved to “Cool Creations”?


needs 3 people bare minimum to start
meant for 2v14
still a lot of work to do but the basic concept is there

some screenshots


Getting in some more development for my latest project Mining Madness. Still heavily under construction, but a lot of progress is being made.


i’m continuing my work from last year on the game strikeout, here are some of what i’ve made.

spoiled milk gatling gun

double barrel revolvers

dodge challenger arm cannon
i’m gonna be making a lot more of weapons like these this year

done all without blender for some reason

update: i’ve stopped


I’m currently trying to create the most powerful admin system roblox has ever seen, with 200+ commands and boatloads of other features. I’m hoping to gear it towards higher tier game developers. I’ve written the interpreter but very few commands so I don’t really have much to show other than the logo:


What are you working on currently stats

Year Posts Per day
2015 71 0.19452054794520549
2016 5448 14.885245901639344
2017 6248 17.117808219178084
2018 31 0.08493150684931507

2018 has some catching up to do.


Happy New Years everyone!


Still working on the Alchemist with @aspernator @kinqandi and @EncodedLua

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I started on a remake of an old project. You guys might recognize it.


Wonder where that name came from :smirk:


Made a hover bike of some kind


Working on two projects currently!
The much more complex, longer taking, cooler one:

Development Dash


You’re welcome to guess what this game is about, I might confirm if you get it right in DMs lol.

(Music by @BSlickMusic and property skins by @ClutchDeveloper)

The much easier one, that by the time you’re reading this is probably already finished. I’m working on this with @Naco88

Dominus Clicking Simulator

I know, I know, another clicking / simulator game (actually both). Well, all I can say is that at least our development group is self aware: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=3701406

This game pretty much just consists of clicking a dominus, buying upgrades and getting better and better dominuses. There’s also a PVP aspect, where you buy ‘strength’ with the ingame currency. The stronger you are the more damage you deliver.

Honestly I’m not even sure if I feel like this game is worthy of putting in this thread :confused: :joy:

Cool stuff I’ve seen so far!


I’ve been working on a game titles ‘HEAT’ along with my long-time builder chamullow

Here’s some tweets on the development:


I won’t miss the train this year. I hope.

I wish I had this idea earlier.

2016 was the year to plan it.
2017 was the year of action.
Let’s make 2018 the year of realization.

(Development wise, I’ll revamp the whole menu lol)


I made a simple tile capture game to get out of my Roblox development slump: Tile Conquest - Roblox




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