Right now I’m working on a slew of stuff, some of it on hold, but here’s a quick rundown:
-Chipio Data Storage Complex: Essentially a giant underground facility similar to Pinewood Computer Core, but much more detailed, realistic, and packed with things to do. Currently on hold while I figure out how to fill a warehouse with shelving without adding an extra 900,000 parts.
-Trend Chaser: A game based on predicting trends and fads and building games around them in order to rise to the front page. Still a bit of a mockup while I come up with ideas for it.
-Classic Arcade Tycoon: This was a tech demo of my new tycoon kit and a way to test my livestreaming capability. I say “was” because I have put livestreaming on hold, and thus this project. You can watch the entire stream archive here.
Some non-ROBLOX things:
-My YouTube Channel: 2017 was a big year, and I plan to make 2018 even better. I recently posted one of my most favorite videos, and I intend to keep doing that throughout this year. I’m bringing in new types of content and phasing out/reimagining old ones.
-A Nathaniel Hawthorne Documentary: My project for the end of this semester for American Lit is to create a documentary documenting the writing process of Nathaniel Hawthorne. I look forward to completing it and maybe sharing it on here.
-A YouTube Red Show Review: If you have Red, you’ve probably seen a show called Hyperlinked. It’s… pretty bad. I’m writing my first-ever review on it, because I refuse to remain silent about this tragedy of filmmaking… I’m currently 5 pages into the review and a minute and thirty seconds into the first episode, so it’ll take a while to complete it (which I probably won’t).
So yeah, that’s what I’m working on. Two games on hold, one game in pre-production, a low-budget YT channel, a class-sanctioned documentary, and a video dedicated to bashing Disney.
I’m currently trying to create the most powerful admin system roblox has ever seen, with 200+ commands and boatloads of other features. I’m hoping to gear it towards higher tier game developers. I’ve written the interpreter but very few commands so I don’t really have much to show other than the logo:
You’re welcome to guess what this game is about, I might confirm if you get it right in DMs lol.
(Music by @BSlickMusic and property skins by @ClutchDeveloper)
The much easier one, that by the time you’re reading this is probably already finished. I’m working on this with @Naco88
Dominus Clicking Simulator
I know, I know, another clicking / simulator game (actually both). Well, all I can say is that at least our development group is self aware: bad games™ - Roblox
This game pretty much just consists of clicking a dominus, buying upgrades and getting better and better dominuses. There’s also a PVP aspect, where you buy ‘strength’ with the ingame currency. The stronger you are the more damage you deliver.
Honestly I’m not even sure if I feel like this game is worthy of putting in this thread