What are you working on currently? (2018)

The railway bridge between the Dutch towns Rhenen and Kesteren, blown up by the Germans in the end of the second world war, has never really earned that much attention, so i figured out i had to do so. The main shape is here!


My Roblox Spybotics the Nightfall Incident clone is fully playable though to the end. If you’ve never heard of it before, definitely try it out. Very fun game single player game that takes about 10 hours to play though.


Just tried it out real quick, it’s amazing! Definitely gonna play this a bit more

Just so you know before you go writing up suggestions for me, the UI is definitely not final yet, only functional. There’s a lot of UI awkwardness and ugliness that I’ll have ironed out before I “release” / advertize it.

I did find some sort of bug, after playing a while the game just didnt respond anymore. Forgot to take a screenshot of the errors

I should add a display of any client / server errors so that people can easily send screenshots of problems. If you just rejoin the game then you should be back where you were, it saves progress whenever you win / buy anything.

Awesome detail and craftsmanship, but I noticed that the two blue/yellow panels on the left of the ‘zambie.jpg’ seem awfully blown out - presuming they’re some sort of consoles.

It’d be a nice feature, if you could insert a ‘BloomEffect’ within an object, or reference certain objects (perhaps via Tags) to have specific bloom settings.

Anyhow, nice work.

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That looks so epic! :open_mouth: Love the detail, and that bridge; outstanding work.


Thank you! The finished product should look even better, when the other 2 arches of the bridge are added.

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Animating the Sopwith Pup. The animations are meaningful: The position of control surfaces (rudders, ailerons, etc.) actually affect the airfoil simulation. Also, the joystick is animated because why not:

Due to how I designed the system, I have a “flyer model” (MVC stuff) that allows me to attach controllers to it, making inputting controls to the plane really easy, both server-side and client-side.

Here’s the client code that I use for inputting controls to the plane. As you can see, it’s pretty straight-forward:

function UpdateMouseAndKeyboard()
	local viewportHalf = cam.ViewportSize * 0.5
	local mousePos = mouse:GetPosition()
	local keyA = keyboard:IsDown(Enum.KeyCode.A)
	local keyD = keyboard:IsDown(Enum.KeyCode.D)
	local yaw = 0
	if (keyA ~= keyD) then
		yaw = (keyD and -1 or 1)
	local xRatio = (mousePos.X - viewportHalf.X) / viewportHalf.X
	local yRatio = -(mousePos.Y - viewportHalf.Y) / viewportHalf.Y
	local goalInput = Vector3.new(xRatio, yRatio, yaw)
	currentInput = smoothInput:Update(currentInput, goalInput, 0.1)
	flyer.Input.Roll = currentInput.X
	flyer.Input.Pitch = currentInput.Y
	flyer.Input.Yaw = currentInput.Z

I’ve finished building Knife Capsules’ newest map. You can check it in-game now! :smiley:


(Click to play gif)

Decided to drag n drop the racetrack network into an open “town” enviroment to see what would happen. Here’s generation 30



That’s amazing! Keep up the awesome work!

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Made some creatures for a side project and decided to show some old 8-bit pets I made for Ripull’s Minigames.



Hunted, Hunted 2 and Paradise Island. So far I’ve just worked on a car chassis and a bit of UI work. Making some great progress though; doing stuff that last year I would’ve had no idea how to do which is great.

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Still adjusting lighting, adding some more smaller light effects and other smaller details

lag is a slight problem, but should be able to cut out a ton of it after the next update


This is the kind of detail I’ve looked up to since I started out on Roblox way back when. Animating the joystick (because why not) just shows how even the small things matter to someone.

Nice job!

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Testing out lighting. Opinions?


I’m gonna point out the obvious, it needs to have an orange-ish skybox to match the color of the sun rays.


Thought I’d share some stuff I posted on Twitter as I’ve yet to share anything here. These are pictures of a WIP project as well as some stats showing how it runs at the moment for me (this was taken while there were still thousands of excess copies and reference parts in the workspace, and will be a lot better upon completion).