What are you working on currently? (2018)



Been a while since i posted here!

Did some more work in Kingdom of Hreinngar; You can now use your weapons to attack, inspect them or taunt. Dual wielding (same weapons or different weapons) is supported smoothly, too.



Yeah, it’s not done yet. I’m going to add a bunch of holes in the ceiling/walls, a shop somewhere in there, and fix up the lighting. Also trying to give it more of a “post-apoc” feel, so experimenting with how to make the ground look more damp.

My new project that my dev team and I have been working on for a year, Obby Madness.


Oh shush, its not even made of wood.

But it is.

I’ve been working on upgrading my original 28xx locomotive for use in TheModsterRB’s Grand Continental Railways:

Several years ago I wrote a script that made everyone else’s characters cancollide false in FE with the goal of preventing train wrecks caused by running into immovable objects (characters). The concept worked: it prevented the train from derailing or stopping when hitting a character, but characters who were run over had an annoying tendency to get sucked under the train and get stuck either between cancollide true bricks or on vehicle seats used to drive the train.

Fast-forward to yesterday when TheModsterRB asked me about bumping a feature request on this forum, a feature that was exactly what I had done years prior. So I hook him up with a simple script to do it and he applies it to a test place. Unlike the original test place, GCR uses PGS. We both loaded up the game, and I stood on the tracks while he drove a train into me. The train did not stop and the train did not derail: success. There were some unexpected things that were discovered in this testing session that provided exigence for this wall of text.

PGS has really good moving platform-character interactions, but determining this using trains or cars seems nigh-improbable without the script. Although according to everyone else the character was lagging way behind (part of why the script is necessary in the first place), to the character standing in the train (who does not have Network Ownership of the train!) the character is standing perfectly still on the moving train.

The PGS solver really shines at preventing the character from being sucked under the train or teleporting through moving walls. I expected there to be all sorts of that in the test place, moreso than with spring based on previous experiences, but no: the PGS solver is rock solid at these interactions. Characters stay inside the train if they are inside, and they stay outside the train if they are outside. No exceptions.

The success of the original feature is good, and the small local script has made obsolete a good number of scripts related to preventing characters from interfering with the trains, but has also dramatically improved the player experience. Draconian features such as disallowing resetting, preventing players from jumping out of seats if they are moving, and teleporting players back to spawn if they so much look at the tracks funny can all be removed, and some of them already have been.

Seeing improvements like the ones discovered above makes me appreciate the time the engineers have put into improving the Roblox experience. I hope PGS continues to improve so that it can put Spring to bed properly.

Here’s the script: Standing on moving trains - Roblox


I can’t sleep so I started a song

Spent that last two days working on this frieze that lined ceilings of the grandstaircase

Was very fortunate to find a decent straight-on photograph of the carving and that helped a lot


I am working on a procedurally generated dungeon builder, which will be modified once it is complete to better suit my game.

It works by placing rooms randomly on a bi-dimensional grid, generating a maze on the empty spaces and linking everything at the end.

At the moment, I’m struggling a bit with linking the rooms and the maze - I’ve already sorted out the places where the connections should happen, which are tinted a light red, so I need to focus on avoiding overly dense dungeons. It has been fun reading a bit about graph theory in the last days.

I am doing this in löve2d as a first time because it is definitely simpler doing that there than in Roblox, with a whole new dimension and lots of other bottlenecks. It will be ported when I finish it up.

The rooms are fixed-size, meaning I can build templates on studio and paste them over on the fly in their respective positions while changing some things inside of them as to avoid repetition, but I want to do something similar to The Sims 4’s pre-built rooms where you can resize them while retaining their original feeling and style - also avoiding repetition.

That’s pretty much it. I’m excited on how this will turn it out, and on what will the general reception be.


Made a new profile picture :slight_smile: x.com

Your attention to detail is incredible. I also feel bad for whoever made that, considering its location now


Oh yeah people carved out hundreds of feet of this stuff, not just for Titanic, but for her nearly identical sister ship the Olympic (which is where these photos are coming from)



I love early aviation.
Im considering starting a replica Sopwith Tabloid project

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No explanation needed.


Your builds just seem to come together in an incredibly pleasing way.


Thanks! I think I should mention though that the base temple/tomb was built by @xJennyBeanx but the map design and everything around it was done by me.


I didn’t know you guys were making the new Tomb Raider game

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Dangggg, looks fresh!

Going to be making a Crossroads based game starting tomorrow. It will be an RPS with many different items and mechanics. Unlike Saberfront: Alderaanian Assault 3 ( my current project), the UIs will be higher in quality as well as the gameplay due to the size of the map being smaller

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Got the first few generations working! (Click to play gif)

It’s gonna start pretty dumb but if I leave it on long enough it’ll eventually have generations that get further and further. Doing a test tonight with a shallow network.


Edit: new chasis, 2 new sensors, modified scoring algorithm, and inverted the inputs. Results are improving!


Edit 2: not a gif, but you get the idea. I now run 16 of them at once and it helps evolve things much faster :smiley:

Edit 3: Got it to complete a full lap!

Going to add complexity soon with more layers & maybe teach it to do other things like floor it if there’s nothing up ahead.

Edit: Allowed it to look further & drive faster. Result is drifting!