What are you working on currently? (2018)

In my opinion the first person camera is way too shaky.

Trees and foliage + lighting rework :slight_smile:
Place link


Started RoWorld again from scratch, made it way more efficient and uses an align-to-grid based placement system.


This honestly doesn’t even look like Roblox anymore




This is so charming!! Then again, I’m a sucker for isometric view.

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Remade the age old Acela Express for Terminal Railways, she really needed it.

And the Emerald Version of it too!


playing around with terrain generation

when scaled out makes some sweet sand dunes

with a simple “curve” modifier

I made it atmospheric, and generate on a per client bases local sided,

Now I could theoretically make this place max server size with almost no lag and an infinite procedural generated sand dune in sandstorms. Generation is currently seamless


tfw using legacy forces on a Tron:Legacy lightcycle built using CSGv2 and constraints


MCW Update: just made a HUGE list of weapons to include in MCW. A friend of mine who is not a DevForum member yet will be making the revamped Crossroads map for the game. Also, @bigcrazycarboy MIGHT (a big might means not right now but maybe later) be making every gun on the list over a period of 8 months.I am going to be scripting the menus and modes.

Heres an 8k map using a raycast based renderer I quickly made (everyone seems to be making them nowadays), also shows off a smooth terrain circular symmetry plugin I made a couple months back.

Click for full res


A simulator of course :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah the first person head tracking I made is sometimes more of a pain than a blessing. Changing the head position in the actual animation is a real pain sometimes. Im gonna fix it in the next patch.

And that shadow thing following me is a legendary trail you get by buying VIP in the game.

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@asimo3089 This is your crowd :slight_smile:

Just a tip, it would be way more appealing if you make the camera move side-to-side rather than shake, you could also make the head rotate with the mouse movement when your character is not moving. It would work charms on VR.

I am currently working on a game, not sure where it’s going, but certain about what its outcome is.

There’s no chance of my game ever being properly VR compatible; the entire game is based around fast and fluid movement, which would have even the most battle-hardened VR users unwell in minutes.

And the camera shake isnt actually hard coded, the camera follows the movement of the head in whatever animation is playing. I need to change the animation to fix it, which I plan to do this evening.

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Nice! The Tron world is so much fun. The legacy bike is one of the hardest models I’ve ever made.


I’m still working on optimising my studio renderer. Knocked off 20-25% today with some bounding volumes stuff!

Comparison shot at 400x400 each (left: studio, right: my renderer at 9x SS with diffuse and weak specular).


I ran out of money when I bought the bloxies seat… Dang.

I am working on releasing a RP game based on PW (with no copyrighted references) as a fundraiser so I can start again on my initial project. It’s going nicely for now!

I hope to release this real soon-ish. Just need to code it and build some extra areas, and it’ll be ready to go!